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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Granted. At the time of this wish granting, there are no images. No images = no money. I wish I could have viewed the solar eclipse without the need for protective eyewear.
  2. Nope. But I have one to my left. TUBM has a clock to their left.
  3. Yeah, when I originally read that, I immediately asked myself "In all seriousness...wt actual f". I think the only thing he's said since then that elicited an even more flabbergasted response from myself was: And as I pointed out in my response to this specifically, we've been telling them for more than a year now. If the lack of response to us telling the company what we are feeling and seeing isn't being tone-deaf, then that term needs a new definition.
  4. When what is old becomes new again. What does the fox say?
  5. Explaining how Hawaii is cheating is, in fact, cheating.
  6. Granted, even though you didn't make a wish. AGAIN. So while the iceberg is pushed off course and misses the north American continent, the Titanic still sinks. I wish for a nice ham sandwich.
  7. If anything, they are teaching the community not to believe anything they say.
  8. Can we please get back on track with this thread? This is supposed to be about the perceived lack of communication from IG/PD/TT to the forums, not about whether or not Elon Musk has an anonymous account here that he uses to recruit math bois.
  9. We have been, Dakota. For more than a year now, we've been asking for more information on the development of KSP2. We have entire threads dedicated to asking why you aren't giving us more communication, or why you aren't sharing where you're at with development, or why there are delays in dropping news. Heck, we've asked why we aren't getting Upnates any longer. We want to know why we haven't gotten any more AMA's after the first several went really well. We are stunned about the haphazard dropping of KERBs, to include removing items from them, as well as them going monthly now. What else exactly have we not told you are you looking for here?
  10. Even if you assume you have only 1 craft in Kerbin's SOI, and the Mun is directly between the craft and Kerbin: they can occlude light but not line of sight for radio waves?
  11. So you can occlude light, but not radio waves?
  12. The developers need to take a serious look at the Community Tech Tree and the Unkerballed mod from KSP1. Heck, Nertea helped design both of those. When I started playing KSP1, I used the stock tech tree, and I realized even in my space-faring infancy that the tree wasn't all it could be. Then I started using mods, and the day I downloaded Unkerballed was probably the happiest day of my KSP career. It gave a reason to have sounding rockets. It put probes before manned missions. It all but forced you to plan out missions and go through some kind of logical progression instead of "Well, I've got the first node unlocked, think I'll head for Duna now". Don't get me wrong here - the tech tree in KSP1, even with Unkerballed, is not perfect. I still fail to see why planes and rockets are mixed in together, or why you can go into space without ever having flown a plane. I get that the game is called Kerbal Space Program, but spaceplanes are a thing here. Or, rather, they should be. And for a game that has a pretty hefty plane component to it, the lack of aircraft training and building, as well as making some of the plane parts come after rocketry, makes me googly. And not in a good way. So yes, the tree in KSP1 isn't perfect. But the devs could at least look at and learn from it here. Maybe?
  13. To answer the question posited in the title: I am currently not playing KSP2. To me, there simply isn't a reason to play the game until colonies drops. When FS! dropped, I created a new career game and went through the story (and most of the side) missions. The game got me to do something I had never done in KSP1 before - fly to Jool. And not only that, but I landed on both Pol and Tylo. And as I was flying to Tylo for that mission, I was thinking to myself "This is so cool; I've never done this before; the sequel is going to push me into doing new stuff". And then I landed - or, rather, lithobraked - on Tylo and drove the rover to the monument...and the game was pretty much over. No story missions after that. Just a big "Well, good job for doing that" and some science points. Nothing else to do at this point in the game other than land 10 Kerbals on Eve and return them to Kerbin. And I am just flabbergasted over there being nothing left to do. I am one of the few people that actually like the contract system in KSP1. I don't care about funds or even the science points because, quite frankly, after you hit mid-career, both of those become nearly pointless. You can farm for all the science points in every biome, and simply a tourist contract or two and you've got enough cash to build anything you want. But the reason I like the contract system is because it gives me something to do. Some goal to achieve. Some planet to fly to for some reason. Rescue this guy from LKO, or retrieve that part from the Mun, or land on Vall. Help a scientist do this experiment in this biome on this rock. Capture this asteroid. Build a station. The contract system continually generates things to do in the game. And if you download one of the contract packs, or if you do RSS/KSRSS, you have a nearly inexhaustible supply of contracts that will pop up. Heck, with KSRSS (I can't speak for RSS here), you get a logical progression of contracts to simply explore and land on nearly every celestial body alone. So this is why I'm not currently playing, and why I'm waiting until after 0.3 (Colonies) comes out. I'm hoping for more story missions, and more side missions. I need stuff to do other than think to myself "I gotta come up with a reason to be here...I'll go fly to this rock for no other reason than because I can". That's the most difficult thing for me in KSP2 - no direction. I know, I'm not the prototypical KSP player here. I am aware that there is a huge portion of the community that doesn't care for what KSP1's contract system turned out to be. But to me, it's a reason to play. It gives me focus; makes me stronger. I mean, wrong quote there. But you get the idea. I like having purpose and direction, and KSP1's contract system does that. Until KSP2 has something even remotely similar to give playability/replayability a shot, I'll just shelve it.
  14. Explain how it's getting something for free. What exactly am I going to get that I haven't already paid for and been promised as a part of EA? What updates do you know about that are coming up to and including 1.0 that aren't included in the purchase price of EA am I going to get for free?
  15. This actually brings up an interesting question. At least to me, anyhow. How far out then is the Kerbolar SOI? Does it make sense to build a deep space colony on the edge of the SOI for the purposes of interstellar travel? If that's the case, wouldn't you need several due to orbits and such?
  16. It's a direct counter-argument to what you said. You stated that people are literally getting stuff for free, and I refuted that by indicating we paid full price for a game, and that payment guarantees us all updates until 1.0. How is that not a direct counter-argument?
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