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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. There is a bug report for this. It happens when the game somehow thinks the craft is landed (which it obviously is not if you are flying). Not sure why, but perhaps you can check the bug thread:
  2. That is EXACTLY what the KSP discord is like.
  3. What I think I find most unsettling is that, nearly a week after this announcement and with a lot of the community both speaking out against it AND people really jumping ship from KSP2, none of the CM's have bothered to try explaining any meaning behind what Nate said that we may have missed. While Nate's statement about slowing the cadence and the proof that they are working on stuff that's down the roadmap is a bad look, saying nothing at all since then is even worse. I have to wonder how much of the community has to stop playing KSP2 before TT/IG/PD either starts talking to us on a real level...or they abandon the project altogether.
  4. That can't be granted because the kraken is already perfect. I wish for the kraken to be slain.
  5. I knowntheres a wide range of coders here, so when I saw this I thought perhaps some people here might be interested. 18 books for $36. All on Python. Python Bundle
  6. Phase V is now complete! This includes 2 launches: one to do science, and one for the actual Mun landing. Read all about it!
  7. ===PHASE V=== With a network of satellites in HKO and in High Munar Orbit, it’s time to test how well this works. I need some science so I can get to Advanced Flight Control, as well as, hopefully, getting some better rocket parts, like upgraded command modules and better engines. This requires science, which requires me to go get some. So we are going to do a Mun landing…and hope that it doesn’t go too badly. Now, Bob has to go up. Why? So we can reset a few experiments along the way (Goo canister and Materials). But with a single-seat command module, he has to go by himself. I could use the crew cabin here, but without docking ports, it would make the landing really hard. So I’m putting Bob in the command module by himself, and attaching an OKTO probe onto it for SAS control. We then hurtle him through the cosmos. Or, well, to the Mun! And so begins the Spes program (Latin for Hope, which sounds distinctly like Space). At this point, I don’t have ladders. Like, even the most basic ladder isn’t unlocked yet. So this will be done in 2 launches: one to get science in high and low Mun orbit, and then a second one to land and get science on the surface. I could do a landing and never put Bob on the surface, but then I couldn’t plant a flag. Which I really want to do. But, the first and second launches! Bob earned enough science here for me to unlock Advanced Flight Control, Fuel Systems, Heavy Rocketry, and Space Exploration. Got me pretty much all the parts I need to do a Mun landing. And because I won’t need to reset any experiments this time, I can actually send up a pilot. I earned enough science points to unlock Advanced Construction, Aerodynamics, Landing, Miniaturization, and Propulsion Systems, which finishes this tier off. There are, once again, a few nodes that have no parts in them that I don’t need to unlock (Recycling, Storage Technology, and Subsonic Flight). Recycling and Storage Technology are required for several nodes down the line, but none of those nodes have any parts, and so I wouldn’t need to unlock those. Subsonic Flight, while it has no parts, is a direct requirement of both Efficient Flight Systems and Specialized Flight Systems, and both of those nodes have parts in them. Although there are no parts associated with Subsonic Flight, the fact that it has nodes that require it that do have parts means I have to unlock that node. But because it has no parts itself, I did grant myself the 90 points through the Alt+F12 menu and unlocked the node. One thing I noticed on this flight is that the satellites I put around the Mun in Phase IV are catching up to one another. One is moving faster than the other, and due to this, their orbits are no longer locked into being on the other side of the Mun from one another. It didn’t cause any issues with this flight, but it may in the future. Which means I may have to put a third satellite up there at some point. Completion Date/Time: Year 1, Day 21, 5h, 18m
  8. Nothing asked for, which is easily corruptible. You get...nothing. I wish people would remember to make a wish when they grant one in this thread.
  9. And I'll continue to add that it also doesn't track those people who purchased through Epic or got a direct download from PD.
  10. Have you looked at the list of mods for KSP2? There are quite of few of them already, and there are a bunch in the works.
  11. Granted. Every copy of the source code for OFT 2 is put on a rocket and launched into space, never to be seen again. I wish I didn't have to work for a living.
  12. We gave it 3 years while it was still in development. And it was during this 3 years that we were told at one point that the game was nearly finished...and then delayed. And we got the same tired excuse during that 3 year period that we are getting now - we are working on it, the devs are doing everything they can, we want this to be as polished as possible, blah blah blah. Now, after release, they aren't fixing the major bugs, and they are slowing down the cadence by which they are releasing fixes. All while showing us shots of them playing multi-player, or showing off shiny new graphics. Where is the game that was nearly finished in 2021? Why are they working on features at the far end of the roadmap? Why haven't they released new content? We've given them time. Several years. A lot of the community, myself included, simply is done with the excuses and the misdirection. I get that it's early access, and there is no guarantee of anything. But what we got was certainly not worth the money we paid, and to tell us to keep waiting while they work on stuff that isn't going to fix the game and make it playable is just obscene.
  13. No, not in my opinion. There ARE mods that change the UI. There ARE people dedicated to correcting issues that exist in said mods. And there ARE people here on the forums qualified to give development advice.
  14. I disagree. Nothing I've seen in the game makes me think that the graphics are better. Sure, planets look nice from space...but every landing I've been able to do has resulted in being on a flat piece of land that has no contours or color. You haven't looked hard enough then. There are multiple mods (a simple search should do you fine here) that change up the UI. For starters, this is your own opinion and not the opinion of every person on the forum. Which makes you neither right nor wrong; your opinion is your opinion and you are entitled to it, provided you aren't speaking for anyone but yourself. As far as not having a dev team when things go awry...that is patently wrong. Most mods have someone dedicated to fixing bugs that crop up; all you need to do is go into the mod subforum, find the mod in question, check the thread and, if you can't find an answer, go to GitHub and log an issue. Again, this is patently wrong. A lot of us have development experience. Perhaps not game development experience, but certainly software/database/hardware development experience. And the people who are modding the game right now are certainly knee-deep in the code and should absolutely be giving their input on what they are finding.
  15. I highly doubt this. The game is barely playable in its current state, major bugs still need fixing, we've received no new content in the game, the first major feature (Science) is still being worked on, and Nate came out last week and indicated they are slowing down the cadence for patches. What on Kerbin makes you think they can hit 1.0 - which is every major feature on the roadmap being implemented - in a years' time?
  16. Continuing on with my current plan of leaving Kerbin, I was able to gain enough science points to get access to Solar Panels, as well as put 2 satellites in orbit around the Mun. Read all about it here:
  17. ===PHASE III=== Goal: To get enough science to gain access to Solar Panels. We could, in theory, head to the Mun right now. Unfortunately, we’d probably run out of power before we got there and back, so it’s not a good idea to do that right now. So what we need to do is to do a bunch of science experiments in LKO and HKO so we can finish off the current tier and, hopefully, get to solar panels. Now, I’ve already done a bunch of science in LKO; I had to in order to get to Flight Control and General Construction. But, I can still do the Materials Study there, and then I can do all the science stuff in HKO. This means I get to send poor Bob up again; I need his ability to reset the Materials experiment. So I send him up. I was able to earn enough science points to get Aviation and Electrics, which now gives me access to solar panels. That is a big step forward with this program as I can now add solar panels to the existing satellites, as well as put satellites in orbit of both Mun and Minmus. I should state that there is a node on the tech tree that I skipped – Enhanced Survivability. It has no parts, and it is not a required node for anything beyond it. I could cheat to the 45 science points and just unlock it, but it isn’t needed. Therefore, I didn’t unlock it. I also need to state that I was fortunate enough to remember to collect the science points from the respective experiments/parts because, during re-entry, I came in a little hot. Which made the parts overheat and explode. Completion Date/Time: Year 1, Day 6, 1h, 10m ===PHASE IV=== Goal: Continue setting up a communications network in Kerbin's SOI by putting a pair of satellites in orbit around the Mun. We have a small network of satellites established in HKO, and that’s a great start. However, I need to continue setting up the rest of the communications network, which involves a pair of satellites around the MunI plan on having the satellites around Mun be on opposite sides of the bodies, equidistant from the surface and traveling at the same speed so that there will always be at least one of them with line-of-sight back to Kerbin. At least, that’s the plan for now; I may change that up as I start launching them. We are going to be sending up this satellite prototype: It's effectively nothing more than a few solar panels and some antennae strapped to an OKTO probe core. But it will suffice, and so after sending up 2 satellites, we get this: Now there should always be at least 1 satellite in Mun orbit that has line of sight to Kerbin. Again, I may end up changing that at some point in the future. Completion Date/Time: Year 1, Day 9, 4h, 46m
  18. I disagree. Not that they would have taken it worse, but rather that we still would have seen the response we got. Maybe a few people might have been a bit less upset? But it's still the same tired line we got for 3 years leading up to EA, coupled with Nate's promise from 2021 that the game was nearly finished. The game isn't good, it isn't ready for prime time, and instead of worrying about fixes and such we get screenshots of them playing multi-player and Nate telling us how pretty Jool looks. The words of the statement don't hold much water or weight when the actions of the company show us who they really are.
  19. I recommend RCS for this. Lots of RCS.
  20. Phase II of my colonization project is finished. This phase involved putting 3 satellites into HKO so as to form a communications network. You can read all the juicy details here:
  21. ===PHASE II=== Goal: To put a series of satellites into HKO so as to form a basic communications network over Kerbin In order to do much of anything from this point on, especially where probes are going to be concerned, I'll need to establish a communications network. This will require a minimum of 3 satellites in HKO in a triangularish fashion around the planet. I'd like them to be keo-synched, which means getting them at a (rough) orbit of 2,863 km and a speed of (again, roughly) 1,009 m/s. This is all relative and easy enough to do...until you realize that the only probe I have access to right now is the Stayputnik, which has no SAS controls. I also have no fairings, which makes this thing about as aerodynamic as an aircraft carrier. Thankfully, I was able to rely upon MJ to help me with the flight of thing into LKO; I spent several hours trying to fly this thing manually which, upon looking back, was a really dumb decision on my part. But once I got the first of the three into HKO, I just pretty much copied the flight plan and sent the other 2 up. Images! I had to make 1 heliocentric (not the best word, I know, but should give an idea of what I'm describing here) orbit around Kerbin with the KeoSynch II to allow KeoSynch I to pass far enough ahead so they wouldn't interfere with one another. I had to make multiple passes with KeoSynch III for the same reason, but this time pushing both I and II far enough ahead. But I got it done, and that's not a bad triangle there. Could be better, and I know they aren't perfectly in keo-synch orbit, but this will certainly suffice. One thing I know that will be an issue is electricity. No solar panels yet, and I know all 3 of those chunks of metal are running low. At some point I'll have to either replace them with better models, or send an engineer up to put panels on all 3 of them. I did put capacitors on them (4, one for each battery), but that's really a short-term solution here. Completion Date/Time: Year 1, Day 5, 4h, 7m.
  22. I disagree. We have been providing bug reports, screenshots, and video for the issues since launch day. And yet they haven't been fixed yet.
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