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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. No. Not either way. My comment was directly and only about future patches. Period. End of story.
  2. First, just because other people reported performance increase doesn't mean everyone did. I did not. I've been at 20 foe since launch, and the last patch did not affect that either positively or negatively. Secondly, my comment that you quoted was about my lack of faith in getting future patches, not about performance improvements.
  3. I am aware that all caps is shouting. In the case that I'm referencing, the words were all bolded AND highlighted. That is the equivalent, at least to me, of shouting. One or the other would have sufficed. And now I'm done with this conversation. And this topic. And just about these forums. I'm done having to defend myself over and over again simply because I'm on the side of the fence that believes KSP2 is junk and needs serious work. Buh-bye.
  4. There are probably decouplers involved here. You'd attach the decoupler (radial, probably the manifold) and then attach the tanks to the decoupler. Edit: darn you @K^2 and your ninja ways!
  5. The bolded, highlighted text had far more effect than all caps. And I'm not sure what you mean by my bug tracker?
  6. They couldn't even give us that for EA. What makes you think they can give us this with Science?
  7. For starters, yelling isn't necessary. I can read. Secondly, while that may be what happened here, newbs to a company simply do not come in and make wholesale changes to established processes. That simply doesn't happen in corporate America. So no, I wouldn't just throw everything that's already established and throw it out the window. Finally, I'll point you to what @linuxgurugamer posted in this very thread. This is my sentiment on the topic exactly. He gave us what we needed to give the developers what they asked for, and they simply ignored it.
  8. I built and flew what was, for me at least, the weirdest ship and mission I've ever done. I launched, on a single rocket: 3 Satellites Minmus Lander Return Vehicle I got all 3 satellites in orbit of Minmus, landed, and returned to Kerbin. In one flight. Read all about it here:
  9. ===PHASE VI=== Now that we have satellites around Mun, and now that we’ve landed on said body, it’s time to turn our attention to the next rock in the sky: Minmus. We will need to put satellites in orbit of the mint-flavored stone, as well as land on it and bring back all kinds of science. And now that we have fairings and struts and docking ports, we can take advantage of the applied physics in the game and build something really out-of-this-world. Or, we can try to build something monstrous and hope it doesn’t blow up. We will start, as we always do, with the primary command module and the fuel we’ll need to get back to Kerbin after orbiting Minmus. We will need ~1000 m/s of dV to make the return trip and brake and land and such. But we should remember here that we will be able to take advantage of any fuel remaining in our (upcoming) lander, which should give us a nice boost. And because we don’t have to worry about funds, we don’t need to worry about wasting fuel or parts. Nice! And so we end up with a return module that looks like this: Pretty basic. It’s got a TWR of 3.58 and 1268 m/s of dV in a vacuum. It doesn’t need any fancy parts or pieces; it’s got capacity for 2 Kerbals, enough fuel to get home, and parachutes to land safely. (Snacks sold separately.) Now we have to build a lander…and this is where things get really interesting. Just bear with me on this. I’m going with a really odd design choice here. I need a lander and 3 satellites, and I’d like to get all of them to Minmus on the same launch. Which means I need a way to store payload. Now, we don’t have cargo bays yet, so we have to wrap things in fairings. So we’ll need one for the lander, and then one for the three satellites. We’ll start like this for the lander: This has 1999 m/s of dV and a TWR of 2.43, which is more than enough to do a landing and then get back to the mothership in orbit. All we do now is attach it to the ship and add a fairing. Like so: And we aren’t done yet. We have to design 3 satellites now…and get them inside a fairing. But the satellites aren’t anything major, they’ll just have to be stacked properly. Basically some solar panels and antenna attached to a probe. Like this: That…is ugly. Hopefully it works. But now we need a lifter stage, and a partial transfer stage (that tank inside has like 1300 m/s of dV and might work a bit). So we get this: And away we go. I cannot believe that worked. That was the weirdest ship I’ve ever built, and it worked. Dang. Anyhow, I earned enough science to unlock Advanced Electrics, Advanced Fuel Systems, Command Modules, Heavier Rocketry, Precision Engineering, and Specialized Construction. Scanning Tech, unfortunately, is a tier away, and I stated at the beginning that I’d go Kerpollo style with the tech tree. So I’m going to have to do a few more launches and earn some more science before I can start scanning and planning extra-Kerbin launchpads. But we are on the way! I have 3 satellites around Minmus, at 20,000/50,000/100,000 meters. They aren’t synched or anything, but I figure they will do for now. At some point I will be replacing all of the satellites anyhow, so it is no big deal. Completion Date/Time: Year 1, Day 44, 4h, 5m
  10. I AM on the other side of the development veil. I get bug reports on stuff I've built from my end users daily. And I have NEVER changed the format of what I am asking them for. Like, ever. I guess what I'm most disappointed about is that they tell us to submit reports, we do, they change what they want...and then they don't communicate to us what's even being looked at. We are told to sit and wait, sit and wait, sit and wait. And we get no communication, none of the forum threads has posts indicating they are being looked at, multiple game-breaking bugs reported since launch day haven't been addressed. What more do they want from us before they start treating us with the respect we should have earned both by paying for this steaming pile AND by doing what they've asked us to do?
  11. So they can alienate even more of the customer base?
  12. Assuming we even get them. Which I have next to no hope for.
  13. So, you're changing what you want us to provide to you on bugs we find that you may or may not fix...again? First we were told to use the button on the launcher to submit bug reports, which we did. That wasn't enough, so you told us to create forum and Discord threads, which we did. Then someone here actually created a mod that loaded all the log reports and such up for us so we could submit those. Now you're telling us we haven't been submitting enough information, and that we need to follow this new format...that we've pretty much been trying to follow the whole time? Sorry, but I have to ask if you guys are even reading the bug reports we've been submitting. There are game-breaking bugs that have existed since launch that we've over-informed you about that...well...we aren't sure if you are even looking at them or not. Nobody from TT/PD/IG bothers to go into the bug reports sub-forum here and at least post "Noted; information relayed to development team". We have no clue what you are working on, or what bugs you've even looked at. How do we know that providing even more information on bugs is ever even going to be looked at?
  14. At a minimum, I'd expect the major game-breaking bugs to be fixed. Like, what's the point of trying to go get Science on, say, Tylo, if you can't even plan a return trip due to the trajectory bug? Or why bother going back to the Mun if you have no orbital lines, or if your craft sinks through the surface of the planet? And forget those major ships you wanna build when the kraken eats things for no reason AND we have performance issues. These all need to be fixed at a minimum before they implement science. I might be in the minority here, but I like slapping thermometers on command pods. What I don't understand is why probes can't do crew reports. A crew report is, essentially, a report of what is happening in your surroundings. Are you telling me a probe can't do a scan of the surrounding area and give a report on what's happening?
  15. But you don't have the benefit of hindsight when the game initially drops in EA; all you have at that point is what you've been told by the developers and the game studio about what the game is going to be. In the case of KSP2, we were told nearly 2 years ago that the game was almost finished, and Nate has been waxing on and on about how awesome it's going to be for months. So that opportunity cost that you think would make no sense? You can't really say whether or not it would make sense until AFTER you actually spend the $50.
  16. Same right here. Plenty of games in my Epic Library (Dead Island 2, Dying Light, KSP1, BreathEdge, to name a few), as well as my XBox Series X and my PS2 (yeah, I like going old-school once in a while).
  17. @AlamoVampire But this is also the Boomerang Zone! You are the one who suffers the penalty!
  18. Yeah, but there is a rather large difference between being employed by a company and/or striking out on your own and developing game, as opposed to laying money for basically being an alpha tester. Most people don't enjoy paying money for something that is this broken, whereas people out there who can get paid to do it love doing so.
  19. It might for some people, but not for all. I have seen zero improvement in frame rate or graphics with either of the first 2 patches.
  20. Perhaps add some of Pink Floyd's music to one of them.
  21. I've made it pretty clear that I'm done with KSP2 until/unless they can fix the major glaring issues. And at this point, after what Nate said recently, I dont have a whole lot of faith that will happen.
  22. Even if support was funded for a year, with Nate's last message there is no guarantee that they actually WILL support it. Patches and fixes are slowing down with no real timeline, no new content is forthcoming anytime soon, and the developers are now radio silent. I know that this all sounds pretty defeatist, but I think we have been left high and dry.
  23. For starters...save early. And often. Like, before and after every maneuver and SOI change. Secondly, use multiple launches to construct in LKO. It may take longer, but it will be easier on fuel to/from Jool in the long run. Third, I recommend doing ISRU. Keep in mind that you CANNOT colonize a planet/moon prior to your Jool 5 launch and then use that colony for refueling. And according to rule 4, the ship can do its own mining...but it can't separate until it reaches Jool's SOI. I would ask for clarification here and see if that is meant that you can't do ISRU until you hit Jool. Finally...have fun! This is one of those things that I have longed to try but haven't yet.
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