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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. Downloading the Rescue System now, can take some hours until I have the results...
  2. I said boot CD, you can forget Windows in that state...
  3. She doesn\'t even know how to deinstall software. REALLY. She attached a second screen by bruteforcing where the VGA cable belongs. That it works in the worst possible way doesn\'t really interest her. She just needs an old 1024*768 screen \'cause she hates the \'small text\' of modern screens ;P
  4. You forgot the 0. You can encode 256 numbers in 8-bit but you have to respect the zero, otherwise it\'s vengeance will come over you.
  5. Arboreal invaders & rocket firework system Edit: Accidentally removed 1st image on attachment cleanup
  6. Between both. I have fun flying planes but I always control my rockets with autopilot, mainly because my laptop lags harly and my ships always have a MechJeb-also-needs-several-tries-to-turn-prograde design.
  7. Granted, but I always steal guns form others in Nerf wars... I wish for
  8. Can\'t really see a number in there. I know that this whould be the best but she won\'t allow me to do that...
  9. Someone who does nothing than playing Minecraft with computers, has admin/mod rights on multiple servers, is in Minecraft forums with his smartphone all night, pulled more than 5 people into it and thinks that MC>KSP...
  10. Yes, HarvesteR ;D There are 8 in total, 5 on Kerbin, 3 on the Mun. NovaSilisko found the first, shortly after that his game crashed...
  11. Another question, are we allowed to include MuMechLib in our downloads? (If yes, please set a rule to add 'If this asks you to overwrite MuMechLib.dll, choose the newer one!' for install instructions)
  12. You can add MuMechLib to your project and then derive from that class...
  13. Granted, but kirby destroys it completely. I wish for Hydrogen to be Helium ( )
  14. Hi, today my sis installed antivirus software on her laptop after running it 3 months and 4 days completely without. Well, the scanner found 64 hidden objects and aborted without even scanning for normal viruses... Tomorrow I\'ll have to scan it with a boot CD based virus scanner. Now, guess how much viruses I\'ll find. She is normally only active in forums about hamster, but I don\'t know what she and my brother did with that laptop (he is a Minecraft victim). The user with the closest guess will be rewarded with nothing ;P
  15. Warning: Nuclear missile detected. This is not necessary your problem, it can hit anyone else. Possible solution: Sit back and watch the world blowing up!
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