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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. aaah-I-missed-my-rocket ;D (Okay that was more than one word) launch
  2. And suggest in the engineer thread that it should remove itself on launch
  3. You wished to take over the shuttle and I\'m not gonna corrupt this one I wish that nobody posts a reply in this thread...
  4. google: this mirialan: this (ignore the 'missing stuff' notes on the top, there is no complete page about the mirialans on the web)
  5. OK, star wars is real now ;D I wish to be intelligent enough to get a equatorial circular orbit.
  6. Think of a rocket spinning around above your head but Jebediah still as full control 8)
  7. Granted, but you can\' wake up again... I wish I could draw better!
  8. 10/10 yummy! PS google 'mirialan' (dumbphone suxjs sucks!)
  9. One question, when I use this mod, it will only apply for ships that have a ZO2 main module, right? I just want to be sure that my expensive ion-powered single stage to orbit crafts don\'t die...
  10. The translator is sometimes bored and creates new words or languages to confuse the users ;D
  11. You need some material to do that. I can give you a glass desk and a glass window ;P
  12. 1920x1080 monitor. College block full with pseudo code that pobably does not work. Some CD-ROMs. Lego Luminara Unduli. The piece of paper where i drew my avatar on. Can\'t decide which of them is the best weapon
  13. Well, I made a craft today that had 5 parts placed into each other but exploded directly on the pad. When I removed 4, the craft worked fine. So it must not be the tower... Edit: Why does a craft made only with Probodobodyne parts not lag at all but other part packs or even vanilla craft lagg hardly even if they have the same amount of parts?
  14. Or even merging this with the solar energy pugin made by Cephei (which I want to improve, but I have reported it to HarvesteR because I, eh, let\'s say have a bad suspicion about that plugins origin), that whould allow you things like battery powered ZO2 generation or the other way round ion engines powered by hamster weels (use ZO2, generate electricity)
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