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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. No, pipelines are a complex transportation system used by secret agents, world destruction scientists, slave traders and other US and EU gov parts that don\'t exist officially and some people who have the money and relations to use them, including oil industry. That\'s why sometimes oil runs out of them and terrorists like to blow them up.
  2. Epic win. I hope we will be allowed to use this code as I\'m pulling more and more people into this thing. BTW I like that thingy. Is it fun to fly? Is it fast?
  3. Granted, even the 10km fall without chute you do with it and the smiling Jebediah next to you is real... I wish I could divide by zero and get a nobel prize for it
  4. I don\'t think that people record after playing, at least not in Lets Plays. my brother uses Video debut studio or so and it\'s completely free.
  5. He talked about pedophiles having a server to grief the houses of children if they don\'t do what they want... Also he showed a pic of some grey creepers and talked about 'porn movie with giant walking penises'. Couldn\'t really stop laughing until I found out that it was not a parody...
  6. Thanks for clarifying the situation. My code has moved even more far away from Cepheis today and I wasn\'t release the plugin int the next days because someone else is doing almost the same and we should agree on making one plugin instead of 2. I also thought about sending my code to a developer and ask if I could release that, but for now, I\'ll just wait for this issue to end. Thanks.
  7. There is a german \'real crist\' who explained why the earth is not round. He also explained why Minecraft makes children become sex slaves...
  8. Well, it was deleted after I reported it. If that isn\'t enough, his code was saved in ASCII, and there are no rounding errors in ASCII, but if compiled, ASCII 0.7 turns into double 0.999999... (I think) and when decompiled by Cephei, it staid 0.999999... I don\'t have any idea what a (de)compiler does exactly, they only generate machine code and errors for me. And I use the word \'decompiled\' a lot \'cause I have to explain to anyuser what happened with the plugin he needs for his favorite addon (maybe the moderators should at least leave a comment when disintegrating threads, just as a thought).
  9. Transparency is not possible? I was thinking about making a transparent helium airship (okay, Kerbal, hydrogen airship ;D)...
  10. For the decompiled code: In Cepheis IonEngine, there was a line that included a float rounding error (0.69999.... instad of 0.7) so I looked through the code carefully and found somme obvious comment lines at the beginning that included the words 'assembly-csharp.dll' and 'class: LiquidEngine' and where (probably) made by Cepheis decompiler. My problem: I reported the post with the code to the moderators and it dissapeared within one hour. I then re-wrote the plugin (any code outside of the IonEngine was really nooby) almost from scratch, but it still includes some original lines like the class names, using directives and the code for the VAB description window. Also, I wasn\'t able to do this before I saw the decompiled code, and even if I whould re-start now only with my completely own EL_API class, it whould still be more or less based on decompiled code. To make it even worse, most of my C#/KSP plugin skills are based on this plugin... I need to know if it is legal to release the plugin, I can\'t really move away further from the decompiled code, I could re-write the stuff that still might be decompiled, but there whouldn\'t be a difference (if I delete all the maybe decompiled {s, I whould have to readd them, there whouldn\'t be a difference even in the physical appereance on my hard disk).
  11. We should maybe agree on some standards (like making the classes public) and maybe even create a class library that implements easy-to-modify classes that implement basic things like engine behaviour or line-of-sight (for solar stuff). In my remake of Cepheis plugin I have a class called EL_API that allows other plugin makers (and myself) to use my energy system as easy as the standard fuel system.
  12. Someone is writing his own engine code, I asked him if I can get it, if yes, there will be a new plugin in a few days maximum. You can still use the old plugin if you have it. (See the \'if\'?)
  13. Googled a bit, the FixedUpdate is handled framerate-indepenend, that explains why there was no difference. Otherwise, I could need some engine code for my remake of the Cephei plugin that contained decompiled code, I could also test it at extreme lag for you, so could you maybe give me that engine stuff? Thanks in advance.
  14. I know that kerbin from orbit whouldn\'t work, I was thinking about planes that do something else than fire railguns and crash...
  15. Will it allow Kerbin mapping? remember that there are lusers like me who need 3 tries to configure the ascent autopilot...
  16. North Korea is heavily influenced by China AFAIK
  17. North Korea is like Iran or Israel - the government provocates any nation in range for some reason even their own people don\'t know...
  18. I like trains ;D... you too! I whish my whish to not be corrupted
  19. Whould only work in altitudes < ca. 3500m, so we whould need to fly everywhere with planes. Whould be cool, though.
  20. That didn\'t help. I also had a look at Cepheis decompiled code (when I found out that his IonEngine was decompiled, not because it was decompiled and I wanted to steal from the devs) but I didn\'t get the particle system. The only thing I know is that there is a class called FXGroup for particles and it looks very simple, so I\'ll try that out.
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