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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. Well it should behave like a chute except if you override functions that contain important \'things\' for the parachute (call base.FunctionYouHaveOverridden(Params) to avoid this). No warranty, I\'m a noob coder...
  2. Thanks! Well, my last craft exploded before the first frame on the pad was rendered ;P
  3. Hi, First, I\'ve been learning english for 9 years but it feels like 9 weeks, translate.google.com is my best friend > I\'m 15 years old and from Germany (you probably know that from my username hehe). I\'m playing KSP for 2 weeks now and in this community for 1.5 weeks or so. I still have to figure out how to keep these rockets in the air... I\'m also learning how to program fail on creating plugins. Kreuzung
  4. Once read a letter in a newspaper that said 'differentiating between moslems and terrorists is like differentiating between good and bad nazis' ??? Funny thing is that there even where few 'good nazis' (well there are far more good moslems of course)
  5. Well I got it working in this simple way: if (RequestFuel(this, DumpAmount * UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime, getFuelReqId())) (If is there because i want to emit particles when dumping) I bet your code whould go around the placement limitations, right? Edit: Urgh. No idea how to spawn particles at the origin of my part. Rest is fine (altrough my test part is underpowered, but that is .cfg editing).
  6. Haha O is fuel dump in my private mod ;D To avoid incompatibilities, you should try out to make the keys changeable in a .cfg file (if possible not in the part.cfg, because that whould be complicated if other mods use your plugin and map it to 20 different keys...)
  7. Basic (Angry Birds) slingshot idea: 1 Model when it\'s ready to fire, with an attachment node for the rocket 1 Model when fired A plugin that changes the model, decouples the rocket from it and pushes it away You didn\'t get it, haha
  8. OK I\'ll try around a bit... Edit: Only works below the tanks, not above. Next I\'ll try out radial placement and fuel crossfeed, and maybe getting a part below the tanks under the dump thingy and using it as consumer. Edit2: Works with fuel crossfeed between engine and tank, also with a fuel line connecting a tank directly to the dump thingy. I did\'nt get the standard RCS tank variation I used for testing to be placed radially, but it should work too (maybe I\'ll try this later). The only missing thin is some particles, then it should be finished
  9. Hi, I made a fuel dump plugin today because I always destroy my engines and I then want to get rid of the extra weight of the unused fuel, it works but is primitive because I just check all parts of the current craft and decrease their amount of fuel when they are liquid fuel tanks. I whould like to make it consume fuel in the way the liquid engine does, but I have no idea how to do this. { if(UnityEngine.Input.GetKey(UnityEngine.KeyCode.O) || DumpStarted) { if (DumpCantStop) DumpStarted = true; foreach (Part p in vessel.parts) { if (p is FuelTank && (p.State == PartStates.ACTIVE || p.State == PartStates.IDLE)) { FuelTank f = (FuelTank)p; f.fuel-=DumpAmount*UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime; } } } } protected override void onPartUpdate()
  10. Vector conflict: The siege Drakojan skies They are flash games but i have never played a better game...
  11. LOL @iamwearingpants: 'Die letzten Kinder von Schewenborn', don\'t think that it was translated into english, anyway, it\'s about the soviets nuking west Germany for some reason and a family that tries to survive in that. Ah, another one, I once played the Chernobyl mission of Emergency 4 (911 first responders in english) and I could not sleep in that night, so I thought about my bedcover protectiong me from radiation, DIDN\'T WORK
  12. Lol, the description of the nuking is 80% the same as the beginning of a book that my sister reads in school at the time...
  13. Hi I\'m opening this thread because this night I dreamed that I was on YouTube and clicked on a The Clone Wars episode and after 5 secs I was awake and could\'nt sleep again ???... Another one was that I demonstrated in a dictatorship that looked similar to my hometown and was supported by NATO tanks but the demonstration broke the military lines before they could even shoot once and then broke up very fast. Then I went to a bank and they kept me there until the bank closed and after that one staff went away and came back with a machine gun to shoot me down...
  14. My chair suddenly felt hard and was not more able to roll on the ground or rotate. Need a new one...
  15. Take off with one decoupler, retro-burn with two others and safely smash Kerbin into small pieces or what?
  16. Ha we\'ve got holidays in germany ;P! I\'ll try this out in around 10 seconds ;D
  17. 5/10 for the only pony img I was able to look at for more than 4 secs...
  18. Propfan... It\'s getting more awesome the more you tell about...
  19. So it looses power when the athmosphere gets thinner or what? That whould be cool 8)
  20. Are you going to limit it to athmospheric use?
  21. Kreuzung


    Why Microsoft Game Studios? Didn\'t they make a free mmo flight simulator? (Don\'t have the new version)
  22. Any sort of nazi joke is annoying... I had my hand on the paper where I have drawn my avatar on.
  23. My throat. Now I can\'t turn my head to the second monitor. My life is ruined...
  24. mince 10/10 because I like that flag Lolnewb 0/10 for hail probe spam ;P Nooblet 0/10 for asking questions that the viewer can\'t answer (I guess it\'s a quote, however, I can\'t answer that question ;P)
  25. Kreuzung


    'Kerbin', '34' and NaN are NOT numbers
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