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  1. Hello all I'm using KSP 1.12 and I'm having an issue. After coming out of time warp (not the first one, just some random time warp, doesn't matter if its physical or normal time warp) sounds like engine noises, landing gear noises and explosions, etc. stop working . Anyone know why? I'm attaching my logs and mods (as a text file) just in case anyone needs it, and thanks for the help!! Mod list: https://mega.nz/file/0YpCzKpZ#AukV9PahYxC-OAW7iKTBOOyIFdrRbp_tBFHzTJMRUgI Latest Log: https://mega.nz/file/REpT3IaA#bFkiGj4c03IPKlVpSLQgG4TmocTHzSYs6Dh5PSQ3gv0
  2. I run an HP elitebook 8470w, with AMD Firepro M2000. Its a bit laggy, but considering that i have more than 10 mods installed, it runs fine
  3. Same here. All localization files (except making history) are there. i dunno where making history localization file went......
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