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Everything posted by DasBear1

  1. I have KSRSS installed along with EVE and Scatterer, for some reason Scatterer doesn't change the water and EVE messes with everything else Scatterer is doing. The poles are two bright, the back of the Earth is still lit for some reason, and the light extinction between the light and dark sides doesn't appear any more. Would anyone know how to fix this, or where I should go to look for help? Example Photos
  2. So I deleted Scatterer, reinstalled it, and saw that that did nothing so I messed around to see what several mods were doing. The top photo is AVP on a stock save, we see there that it has basically everything we're going for (Atmo scattering, little orange divider thing, the whole shabang), then we've got KSRSS without EVE or Scatterer, KSRSS with Scatterer but not EVE, and at the last of the comparison photos we see EVE and Scatterer. The rest of the photos are to try and help give context to see what might be wrong. Thanks again. https://imgur.com/a/McapnbS
  3. I know about the Aurora, but do you see the black line going down the "side" of the Earth? I do, but is there a specific version of Scatterer that I am supposed to use? Should I just try and delete and reinstall Scatterer?
  4. Thank you! That fixed it. One more question though, is Earth supposed to look this bright/pixelated? And is the North pole supposed to be this dark with the band going across the night and day side? https://imgur.com/a/vUdGb4g (Link for images)
  5. Does this mod work only in RSS or will it also work on stock Kerbin?
  6. I downloaded this awesome mod a month ago and this update makes it even better! But I’ve started working on a save and in order to reset my KSP to install GU (my mod count is over a hundred currently) is there a way to make a copy of my save and import it back into KSP after I reset all of the data?
  7. I ran into a similar issue, did you install the mods manually or using CKAN?
  8. Based off what I’ve said do you know what I may have put in the wrong place?
  9. Yeah I had that installed, does it have something else you have to do when you install it?
  10. Hi, I have downloaded all the dependencies and the mod itself but for some reason some of the pads and textures aren’t there. Also all the grass around the structures are purple now. Would you know what I did wrong when installing?
  11. Thank you so much!! It’s working now, I would update with a small note saying to change that setting because I would never had guessed to do that. Thanks again!
  12. Hey so I downloaded the mod yesterday with textures unlimited, but the Starship still wasn’t shiny. Is there a special way I have to install or do to textures unlimited to get it to work?
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