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Everything posted by DocNappers

  1. v1.36.0 of CameraTools is now released. It is a small improvement to add UI scaling, which is tied to KSP's global UI scaling by default.
  2. BD Modular Missiles Parts is a separate mod maintained by @jrodriguez, so you'd have to ask him, but it doesn't look like it's been updated in the last 4 years. You could always make the necessary adjustments to the part config to be compatible with the latest BDA+ yourself.
  3. Someone who makes parts (i.e., the other devs) should be able to help explain that. I only write code.
  4. You'd probably need to adjust the transform to match the orientation of the other BDA exhaust transforms.
  5. Probably, yeah. Though it might not be oriented correctly.
  6. If some of the translations are incorrect or misleading, please suggest better ones. Non-English translations are generally provided by users and the best we can do to verify them when we don't speak those languages ourselves is to ask other users (or Google, which we all know isn't the best).
  7. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this, but it seemed the most appropriate. While debugging a KSP booting issue for another user (the last line in the log was a BDArmory entry, hence why they were asking me), I discovered that the GameData/BDBNIC/Patches/Reflection.cfg file from BDBNIC causes KSP to either crash or hang during the boot process. Examining it more closely, it appears that it's simply badly formatted and has a number of unmatched closing braces. Replacing it with the following appears to fix the booting issue, though I can't vouch for it doing what it's supposed to be doing since I'm not really familiar with BDB.
  8. v1.35.0 of CameraTools is now released. It has the following improvements / bugfixes: Add better handling of dogfight mode for BDA waypoint mode with combat. Adjust get/set accessor templates to return specified types instead of generic objects. Reduce / eliminate unintended roll and camera offset in dogfight mode due to low lerp rates. Add a slider for selecting the reference frame to use for the dogfight offset. Adjust the dogfight inertial chase slider to the range 0—1 and adjust the "inertia" behaviour, including affecting camera rotation. Add a chase plane mode to dogfight mode where the secondary target is the active plane and roll is disabled. Allow choosing which part (or CoM) to track. Add controller input (AXIS_CAMERA_HDG and AXIS_CAMERA_PITCH) to freelook in dogfight mode and camera rotation in stationary and pathing modes. Add a geospatial pathing option to pathing mode where points are GPS coordinates and rotations are absolute instead of relative to the active vessel. It can be a bit jittery when Krakensbane is active and the floating origin is more than a few km away. Also, for now, this is just using spline interpolation between GPS points instead of proper geospatial interpolation via https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html, so paths crossing 180° longitude won't work properly.
  9. Have a read of https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/wiki/1.2.5-Missile-configuration and take a look at some of the missiles in https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory-Extended/tree/main/BDArmoryExtended/Parts/Missiles. If you still can't get it to have the flightpath you want, you should probably ask BillNyeTheIE (he wrote most of that wiki entry), SuicidalInsanity or someone else here.
  10. I'm not sure, I've never used it, possibly it's just underdeveloped. @SuicidalInsanity would have to comment on this. Use fuel inerting on the fuel tanks (an option near the bottom of the part window). You lose a bit of space for fuel, but it shouldn't self-ignite. If the burning is due to the fuel tanks being made of wood, then make them out of something else. There's a number of unusual weapons in BDArmory-Extended that might do what you want. Additionally, one of the devs is working on some alternative missiles to the HEKV. The grace period for disabling the guidance due to having missed is a combination of the droptime and turning rate of the missile. There's also additional checks for not making any progress. bool pastGracePeriod = TimeIndex > ((vessel.LandedOrSplashed ? 0f : dropTime) + Mathf.Clamp(maxTurnRateDPS / 15, 1, 8)); if ((pastGracePeriod && targetBehindMissile) || noProgress) // Check that we're not moving away from the target after a grace period ... This only kicks in once the missile has come within 400m of the target, is in the post-thrust phase, or is more than 1km behind the target.
  11. The Player.log doesn't appear to show anything more than the KSP.log did. However, I have to reiterate that the last message is where a typical log switches to messages from other mods, so I very much suspect that BDA+ is not the cause of the issue here and you'll need to manually figure out which mod is causing the problem by removing mods until KSP can get past that point. The surface AI set to submarine type will try to adjust its altitude to an appropriate depth for combat (surfacing or returning to "Combat Alt." as needed). It does this by adjusting pitch, though, not by adjusting ballast.
  12. This is the same log file that you posted above, to which I already gave an answer here.
  13. If it's using up your fire bottles, then it's BDA+'s fires that are occuring, which is an option under the Battle Damage settings — you can disable battle damage, disable fires completely, or just disable "Fires Add Heat" to prevent auto-ignition of fuel/parts when they reach their ignition temperatures (493K for kerosene, 900K for ammo, 510K for wood, etc. (see GameData/BDArmory/BulletDefs/BD_Materials.cfg for the various material properties, a value of -1 means it won't auto-ignite)).
  14. Ah ok, I can ask the others (I don't do the modelling side of things, only the coding). The guy that originally made the open cockpit is vary rarely around and I'm not sure what's involved in making a variant for a part from an existing model. The alignment indicator doesn't show for APS (Active Protection System) turrets, but I suspect that it's a bug that it's not showing for turrets that can act both as APS and regular turrets.
  15. BDA+ isn't a parts mod. It only has a few parts designed to show off what functionality is supported. So, variations on the open cockpit would be more appropriate in other mods such as "Moderately Plane Related" or "BDArmory Extended" (though the latter is more focussed on weapons). The "weapon alignment indicator" (which I presume is what you're referring to) is toggled with F2 in the SPH. The other toggle BDA+ provides in the SPH is a CASE ammo explosion visualiser, which is toggled with F3.
  16. I don't see anything in the log that would prevent KSP from starting. The errors in the log from BDArmory about using default values when it's parsing various bullet types aren't important (they should really only be warnings), they just indicate that those bullet types might not be working as originally intended due to incomplete or outdated configs. The log ends after parsing the various material types, which is generally where the log entries change to that of other mods (such as EVE for my installs, but may be different on yours). So, I suspect that it's a different mod that is preventing KSP from starting. You might be able to find more info in the Player.log file (see https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/ for where that might be) and/or by setting "LOG_INSTANT_FLUSH = True" in KSP's main settings.cfg file.
  17. Check for errors and exceptions in your KSP.log file. It's working correctly for me ™, so I would need more information to figure out why it's not working for you.
  18. That should be possible. You should already be able to map the controller's buttons to the various keybindings, but it'll need some code changes to make use of the stick axes.
  19. Config parameters for any given class are all the public fields that are tagged with [KSPField] in the code of that class and its base classes (so, MissileLauncher and MissileBase for standard missiles). Many of them aren't even documented in the code though, so you'd need to compare them with those in some of the existing missile configs or ask whomever added them in (@BillNyeTheIE has done quite a bit on lofting missiles, but I'm not sure who else has worked on missiles). gLimit looks to be only used as a parameter to getGLimit in MissileGuidance, which has a pseudocode explanation of what it's doing at the end that might be helpful.
  20. v1.34.0 of CameraTools is now released. It has the following improvements / bugfixes: Chinese localisation thanks to user ThreeMACH. Pivot toggle: Add an option to toggle pivot points between the camera and the target (if valid) when rotating with the right mouse button. A hotkey can be assigned to this toggle, but is not assigned by default. When pivoting around the camera, the behaviour is unchanged. When pivoting around a target in pathing or stationary camera modes, the behaviour is similar to KSP's standard camera movement depending on whether the movement modifier is being held or not. While the movement modifier is not being held, rotation is aligned with the camera's axes. While the movement modifier is being held, rotation is aligned with the target vessel's axes. In pathing camera mode, the pivot point is the vessel's reference transform position. In stationary camera mode, the pivot point is either the targeted part or the vessel CoM if that option is selected. In dogfight camera mode, the pivot toggle affects the free-look mode and pivots around the closest point to the vessel along the camera's forward axis. Fix camera roll when transitioning between modified and non-modified movement modes in stationary camera mode. The free-move mode (position vs speed) and pivot mode are now preserved in the settings. Tweak the mouse sensitivity for input to rotations for more comfortable rotations.
  21. Enable debugging for Weapons and AI in the settings and then check the log and on-screen telemetry when this happens to see if there's a problem with some of the craft.
  22. I haven't heard of that happening before. You'll need to look in your KSP.log file to see what exceptions are being thrown, which will likely tell you which mod is the root of the problem.
  23. Do you have "Keypad Control" enabled (near the bottom above "Edit Keybindings"), Zoom In/Out bound to keys and the "Zoom Speed" set to a reasonable value? v1.33.0 of CameraTools is now released. It has the following improvements / bugfixes: Add a slider for controlling how long after BDA's secondary dogfight target dies (for non-missiles) before selecting a new secondary non-missile target (to enable lingering on kills). Fix false positives of Krakensbane being active on vessel switches.
  24. The infinite ammo option is for gun, laser and rocket type weapons (you may also need infinite EC for lasers, depending on the laser). The infinite ordinance option is for missiles/bombs, but it only works for reloadable missile launchers, such as the "Twin-mount Missile Rail", "Deployable Missile Pod (Reloading)", "C-VLS-12" and "C-VLS-24" MissilePods and "VLS Quad Cell" from BDArmory-Extended (basically anything with the ModuleMissileRearm module in the part config. So, for infinite bombs, you could add some twin rails or a reloadable deployable missile pod to your craft and add whichever bombs you want to use to them and have this option enabled.
  25. Open the settings window with the cog icon on the weapon manager window, then expand the sections in the image. From the snippet of the log that you posted, it looks like Kopernicus is throwing an exception when handling the event of the ProtoVessel getting loaded (part of the spawning process), which might explain why an aircraft ends up partway into terrain if all the colliders aren't properly loaded (or take a long time to be loaded in the background), however, this is being caught and reported as an error (above the exception's stacktrace), so it doesn't interrupt the spawning process. Next, however, PersistentThrust is throwing an exception when the ProtoPartSnapshots are being saved (also a crucial part of the spawning process), but this isn't being handled, so it's causing the spawn process to break and BDArmory thus reports "[BDArmory.VesselSpawnerBase]: Failed to spawn craft Dove".
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