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Admiral Fluffy

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Everything posted by Admiral Fluffy

  1. Getting to page 100 would not be cheating.
  2. Floor 3247: There is a bed, so you take a nice nap.
  3. No, it is False Udder Byword Abase Rage. Should I put uranium in my snowballs?
  4. N-75! Yay! Negatives Win! New Game Rules. These are new game rules. As it is impossible to edit the original post it is asked that any time a core player sees a new player that they link them to this or the copy of this that is to be placed at the beginning of a new battle, that will have an updated tally of victories. As per instructions from the moderators. There is to be no role play elements to the battle. Simple exclamations that we are getting ahead or falling behind, or saying you need help are fine, but no suggestion that you are part of an army or fantasy faction in some epic confrontation. It is more or less attempting to reach a goal line and passing to another with the same goal or getting intercepted by someone going the other way. There is a term used in the forums called "Being Ninja'd". Basically if while you are typing your post someone else posts a move and you don't see it till you have refreshed your page. This then causes you to have to edit your post to correct for the new number. It is then not unheard of for someone to post before you have had a chance to edit your post and so a cascade effect happens. To make clear your original intent in the hopes of lessening this, There is a new rule for posting as follows. When posting please preface your number by one of 4 letters. P if you are trying to get the score to +75 N if you are trying to get the score to -75 Z if your goal is to get the score to zero C if you are chaotic and just post as you feel, but your number must only be 1 different from the last post put. The addition of the number 1 or the subtraction of the number 1. By doing this a player can see what you intended to put and post knowing what it would be if you had not been ninja'd. There is a 5 minute rule for individual number posts done by you, this is to minimise spam and ninja posting. To post a new number post, there are 4 rules that must be followed for it to be considered valid. To make a valid number post, 1: Your previous post must say it was made 5 minutes or greater before your current. 2: Any other player must have posted a number post between your last post and your new post. 3: Your post must be only 1 number different from the last post. Clarification: The number must be the whole number known as 1, spelt One. Either the addition of 1 or the subtraction of 1. 4: Your number must have a preface letter. All new games must start with a "0" . If you posted the winning post, be it +75 or -75 , then it is asked that you copy this post into a new post and update the tally so that this is at the beginning of a new game. Tally of Victories. Positive wins: 5 Negative wins: 4
  5. If a person is lit on fire (for being a witch, perhaps) and because of being lit on fire, causing a building to catch fire, is that person guilty of arson?
  6. Yes. It really started snowing here a few hours ago.
  7. Wouldn't everything alive in Fallout be considered a GMO? Edit: Never mind, because they were nuked, not made in a lab. The Salt talking breaks my brain
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