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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Yes, and also Ghostbusters when it came out the first time in the cinema. I am old. TUBM hates that the last Charlies Angels movie, turned Bosley into a bad guy.
  2. Granted: it remains calm and unchanging for days until you realise your computer has frozen. I wish no taunting of those who can ban outside that thread.
  3. Everybody who keeps knowingly or unknowingly (if they don't understand that part of the movie) using sexual innuendo in the banned thread is banned.
  4. The Beverly Hills Cop say: The Cheat is On.
  5. Ummm, can't really ban a moderator, so. I am here to be banned. May my loss, serve the greater good.
  6. Granted: But as the resulting reaction means no more heat and light, we all die too quickly to notice. I wish people stopped creating things that could ruin life as we know it, just to prove how smart they are.
  7. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    What if the theory of Dark Matter is just due to an incorrect decimal point?
  8. Not if they have 2.5 children. Then they would be 9 wheeled. In terms of intelligence. How many Barts to the Lisa?
  9. Just like to shout out to @Kerbal Productions. Nice to see you again. Also, yes, you have been missed.
  10. Floor 3352: The "Don't SAS your Mother" room.
  11. Only one of those will work in this game. One Caddy Shack, Chevy Chase NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 13
  12. I see your Zuul and raise you one Epic Rap Battle: Ghost Busters vs Myth Busters. Banned.
  13. Here I am. Hi @HyperDraco, long time no read. I got so in to creating parts using 3d modeling that I hadn't built a reasonable approximation of a fighter jet in some time. Then I stopped doing anything to do with the game, including playing for even more time. Currently playing X4 and surviving Xenon invasion. Hopefully I will get back to it at some point. I am still here because I really like this forum community. Hello also to @Rutabaga22. And a hello and how are you doing is always implied when I visit for @Caerfinon, @AlamoVampire, @AtomicTech(funky avatar by the way) @Maria Sirona, @kerbiloid and @Nazalassa. And of course all the other great members and moderators I have had conversations with.
  14. Hello all. Well that was some of the most positivity I have seen in some time. I am however a Chaotic Good character at heart, so as the negative side seem now to be the underdogs, N 13 Also !egap wen kool yeH
  15. Everybody is banned till they bring back the Great Google Picture wars thread.
  16. Hello to @adsii1970 and @Maria Sirona. 2 unique individuals.
  17. P 19 I saw the rare @Akagi a couple pages back. Hi @Nazalassa and @AtomicTech. Hi new players.
  18. Granted: Each byte of processing power requires a potato. So good luck getting enough potatoes. I wish to know the next wish.
  19. Pre zoomed cheating is just magnifying the problem. This new page is cheating.
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