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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Working Underwater Lite has hit 201 downloads on Spacedock. May not compare to those who have had over 40,000, but I never expected it to be much noticed, so I am happy that more people can hopefully add their momentum so that we can maybe expand the possibilities of getting more interesting things to do and find down below.
  2. If you made the solarsystems biggest ever cherry picker(folding and extending arm with a command chair or ladder at the tip) then went in to orbit around the gas giant. Could you lower a Kerbal all the way down to the surface?
  3. I did say I skimmed it. Sorry if I missed the best bit. The last thing I saw was a lander can smashing in to the planet.
  4. I skimmed it very quickly. I am on a mobile dongle and 4 plus hours is a weee bit long. They used a massive lander of sorts. I was thinking that with Kerbal physics, if the main craft wasn't in the crush zone that the pistons and hinges, Kerbal and ladder might make it.
  5. Who be that? Also, the world is the way it is today because people are willing to be stupid in order to see what can be achieved. No stupid = No space flight, no Moon Landing, no rovers on mars, no SpaceX, No game called Kerbal Space Program to enjoy.
  6. Just pondering to the super brainy, nothing you can't achieve in space types. If you made the solarsystems biggest ever cherry picker(folding and extending arm with a command chair or ladder at the tip) then went in to orbit around the gas giant. Could you lower a Kerbal all the way down to the surface?
  7. Hi @HyperDraco 3 custom configs to add so you can get the f18 The first goes in ColdWarAerospace/Parts/Size1Mk3/ Create a file called Size1Mk3StrctrlCosmetic.cfg Copy and paste this in. Then in NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/ create nfa-cosmetic-radial-1.cfg and paste in And finally for the engines. In Squad/Parts/Engines/jetEngines/ create MilJetEnginAftrbrning.cfg and paste in.
  8. Ok. so my F18 Super Hornet will never be as beautiful as @Mouhand's and I think something shifted when I was getting it fixed for @HyperDraco to have a chance to use but here it is.
  9. Thanks for your great work. my craft are so much better with your mod.
  10. That is probably the trick. Also when I create new instances I have to reopen all the bases again. Good thing in sandbox it is free.
  11. This happens to me in standard KSP. I have a level 1 runway on the south pole ice sheet. I have the grass colour set to snow/ice and regularly it resets to green grass. I have just been living with it and reseting it when I am out that way. I always save in all save places individual and full interface and it still happens.
  12. Today. May I present. Tiny Tornado. The way the early Astronauts used to practice for Mun Landings. My first jet tipped prop VTOL craft. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/Tiny-Tornado
  13. Now with no Airplane plus just Stock, DLC and Tweakscale. May I present. Tiny Tornado. The way the early Astronauts used to practice for Mun Landings. My first jet tipped prop VTOL craft. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/Tiny-Tornado
  14. The only way is to move the part that is in front of the cockpit far enough back that you are inside it's mesh. The game doesn't render the inside of a mesh and so it appears invisible. Nothing else will make it see through. That is why the cockpit view in my Hypersonic entry Smalantive can see everything, because the cockpit is within the adapters mesh.
  15. @Val could you lock this thread now please. I'd say it died from lack of interest and malnutrition a while back now. Thank you.
  16. Yep. BY YOUR COMMAND (tinny robot voice) Supreme @FruitGoose
  17. I'm sure HyperDraco would love to see your vid. I don't know why people are always blowing up their own homes. you should build a craft and put it out in the field to target I reckon.
  18. We came we saw, WE KICKED IT'S ASS. I aint afraid of no @JB182
  19. I guess not. Better late than Trevor. Hey @JB182
  20. That would have been quite the feat but no. I feel a prescence I've not felt since. @Lewie
  21. Nope Use the Kraken Luke. Reach out with your feelings to @AeroSky ?
  22. That is great. Gord blimey that is !@#$%^&* humongous. What on Kerbin are you launching?
  23. Released a Chriggen F28 into the world. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/ColdJ-F-28-Chriggen-Up Pics here And configs for extra 2 parts here. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/201867-show-off-the-aircraft-jetpropcargopassengergliderfighter-etc-that-you-put-loads-of-time-into-getting-just-right/&do=findComment&comment=3975370
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