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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Granted. Check your browser cache. I wish for my own Helium three factory on the moon.
  2. 10/10 Your rovers are small and challenging and why I released a unicycle in to the world that I didn't know would be liked.
  3. No particular Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeson. What is a Nuclear family?
  4. Waiter: Yes Sir, it has been Souped up by Campbells Souper modifications. C:W,There is a Jefferson Starship in my soup.
  5. Not today. Maybe somebody who has never been here before. @KeaKaka?
  6. Ceramic. Will Jimmy Neutron marry Sally Proton and have a baby electron?
  7. Custom Prelaunch Checks is a dependency of KK and is included in the Original versions. If you don't put it in the GameData folder then KK will not come up to be interacted with in game. This has been a community announcement. I do not have any input into the developement of this mod.
  8. ColdJ


    Ok. if I read it right it is just missing the CC so it is already covered.
  9. ColdJ


    Yes I do and each licence in the mod is named for the original mod so HADD and SXT share the same, Kerbonov has it's own , Lack's original for SXT and MK2 expansion didn't have one in the mod. Makes me think I best go check their spacedock page. No matter how many times you think you got it all there is always a typo waiting somewhere to stop a part showing up Ok. Now here and there have 4. Have added By-Nc-SA-4.0 I have written permission for all. I always ask even if a License says no restriction, It's just polite. Now to look that last one up.
  10. ColdJ


    Look up at the top. I edited and put them in. Or do you mean on Spacedock? Ok, I have also put all 3 in the Spacedock license section.
  11. ColdJ


    @Angel-125 That is strange. I did put it in when I published, but then again the creation page was slightly glitchy tonight. Anyhow, been back and put it in again now.
  12. ColdJ


    Ok . It is on the spacedock page and in the mod. It actually has 3 because it is a collaboration. One sec and I will edit and put them up.
  13. When you spend your time modding rather than playing.
  14. Very nice indeed. I wish to like it fully, but my number has been exceeded so I express it here. @Dientus your limerick is lonely, it would like to go join the others for fun.
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