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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. HI @HyperDraco. Been too busy 3D modding and part configuring, not to mention, lost the entire computer for a while. So sadly haven't had time of late. Hope you have been having fun.
  2. Yoda was a bad teacher. Luke should have been taught by R2D2.
  3. Oh Frank! - Margaret Hotlips Houlihan.
  4. Because nobody can catch them to give them the ticket. Do Tachyons use Tachometers?
  5. 10/10 Was once a cardboard frog, then a cartoon frog in space, Now a hArmless foodie. Also you like to fly Aircraft carriers.
  6. I have been resizing the models so that the configs only use rescaleFactor 1, still many to go. I had to redo the cockpit collider meshes so that you could actually get to the hulls. I moved the Eagle airlock to the side and added an invisible ladder. I created an airlock for the interceptor and added ladder. I have added permanent RCS to the interceptor fuselage and need to do so for the pods that look like a house. I have started patching gaps. I have to calculate and update nodes because in some meshes I have moved the origin positions I have been having fun with thrust transforms that have a mind of their own, you change their orientation and export the *.mu only to have them be back again when you import it. I stumbled across Pilot Chairs as a permanent part of the model, which has made positioning them much easier. Much much more left to do and I am learning through trial and error as I haven't had the time to stop and watch hundreds of hours of tutorials on using blender. Many things are still mysteries to me. So, miles to go before I sleep.
  7. 9/10 I saw you on Steven Universe. (I wish it was on again)
  8. Granted. But it is going to take a long time to eat all this desert first. I wish you could slip and slide safely down Everest.
  9. I live my life a mile at a time. - Dom
  10. Yes. You are over 10,000. Congrats. I wish I had been here to see the transition.

    1. adsii1970


      Me, too! I noticed it a couple of hours ago. Guess that teaches me to go to sleep! :cool:

      I have full confidence that, if you continue to be as active as you are, you will hit 10k in reputation, too. ;)

  11. Because it is too handsy with everybody. If we are inside the milky way then how do we know what it looks like from the outside?
  12. Hi all. A few last things to sort out and then the test version oh H.A.D.D can go up on space dock for you to try. Hatches.Airlocks.Doors.Docking. Most meshes by TiktaalikDreaming, An animated lock made by Linixgurugamer, The Mk2 Endcap by SuicidalInsanity and then some adaptions and basic creations by me. @Caerfinon@Dientus@Astrion@linuxgurugamer@SuicidalInsanity Have been working on creating a better Internal for the Eagle and Interceptor. This is what I have got.
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