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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Hi @FruitGoose. I am afraid I don't currently have the things required to video in game. And as I also don't have an online image account I can't show you my screenshots, as apparently you can't directly upload from your computer here. Which is sad because I love the screenshot where I am precariously parked on the top of the control tower that is attached to the SPH. But I can explain how to do it so here goes. As fun as it is climbing up a sheer wall. Carefully driving over the edge of the VAB roof without falling off and driving all the way down is very satisfying. Also perfecting a design that will climb up the tiered sides feels good.
  2. Hello all. I have tried searching the forums to see if anyone had already done this, but could not find anything. I like to see how realistic the physics of KSP are for things that were not it's original purpose. I have "Breaking Ground" and work within KSP 1.9.1. I had fun proving that "Down Force" works with KSP and that with Rotor based wheels you can drive up to the VAB, drive up to vertical and then use "Down Force" to hold you to the wall as you drive up to the top and and over the edge. To park on the roof. Now I am exploring underwater and after getting ballast tanks configed right to get within mm/s of neutral buoyancy for my subs, I wanted to be able to have my Kerbals walk around on the bottom without immediately bobbing up to the surface. Obviously with their helmets on. So I gave them an extra inventory slot and used the deployed science mystery goo config as a basis for a weight belt. I used a scaled down structural part as a mesh and set (after some experimentation) the mass to 90kg. This lets them sink gracefully and walk around as if they were on land. they can jump roughly as high as on land but come down slightly slower or swim if you go in a direction. I have a deloyed science cabinet next to my airlocks and have them equip the weight belt when they exit but are still holding on. When they return they just put it back in the cabinet before entering. Also if you click on the weight belt as if they were going to place it somewhere but don't. They loose the mass and float up. So you can use that to get up things if you need to. So, Has anyone else done this.?
  3. Hi @fourfa. I know many like pure stock but I like to make replicas of real world jets and be able to taxi them around, so I modded the stock small and medium retractable landing gear to have just enough electric motor to taxi on flat surfaces. Those amendments in the config and saved as a new model. I only ever use them as the front landing gear and leave the rest as unpowered.
  4. IF you have "Kerbinside remastered" you may find the contents of my Mechjeb2 LandingSites.cfg useful. As follows. MechJeb2Landing
  5. If you mean smallest rover wheels I thought they did. Otherwise just make it that if you set the wheels to the lowest spring settings while you are driving, that some part of the rover sits hard against the ground. High friction means no go, except if you are on a slope that is too steep. Then slow slide.
  6. Hi to anyone reading, Don't know if the topic got a resolution so here is a thought for you. Either get the Leviatan carrier mod or create a resorces config file that has this. If you don't already know you just open a new text document with Notepad [assuming you are on a windows pc] copy and paste this and save it with a cfg suffix. eg Resource.cfg. The next can be done with any part but for me I chose the Baguette radial tank which is stock and found in Gamedata/Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTank_Capsule.cfg . Open it and then immediately "Save AS" something else. In my case I called it, RadialBallast_Capsule.cfg Always do that so you don't bugger the original. Then amend or copy and paste the following to create your new part. If you copy and paste then make sure you replace all the existing text so it only looks like the above. Save it and leave it where you found the cfg file so it uses the right mesh and textures. If you have tweakscale it will be resizable. It can then be found in game by typing ballast in the search. Attach to the bottom of your sub on the keel [centre bottom] then use the move tool to move it just far enough up to not be visible. I find it best to add liquid after launch. Using the fill or empty commands. They are separate functions so don't turn them on at the same time or the level won't change. So radio buttons if you right click on the part or pre assign to a custom function when creating in the hangar. I find 1 of the correct volume works fine or two , 1 front and 1 back and remembering to turn off flow to 1 tank at a time with the green triangle, is good for leveling. Mechjeb2 can give you a vertical velocity dislplay that will allow you to get within mm/s of neutral buoyancy. Enjoy.
  7. Hi SuicidalInsanity, As I seem to have the latest version of your great mod and I jumped to the end of the forum post, I am assuming this hasn't been suggested. Your Mk2 endcap hatch is something I had wanted for a long time. The ability to put a door pretty much anywhere on a model. But I found I couldn't get out it, only in. I fixed this in my game by giving the config file a link to the simplist "Internal" model I had access to. A small inline passenger can made by "Kerbonov". So as a suggestion I was wondering If you could create for your model a very simple "Internal" so that others could get in and out as well. A simple dark space or if you are feeling creative. A small airlock interior. Thanks for your time and for sharing your amazing work with us all.
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