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The guy from duna

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  1. Yeah mb I did mainly mean the LOK. also having the adapter fairing for the LOK and L3 lunar complex as a part would be neat addition
  2. yeah this install is pretty old and messy, I'm planning on just doing a fresh mod install to fix any problems. also Cape Canaveral looks and works fine, and I've heard about the map the earth mod for a while now but last I've heard only Edwards and Vandenberg were finished
  3. @Cheesecake have you've been able to look at the log to find the problem?
  4. Here's an updated log link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6j464g4dj45bca41ku292/KSP.log?rlkey=b12jbat8izbmgcbsvues6jq17&dl=0
  5. Sorry about the log I’ll get you a dropbox link when I’m not busy also I think I only have Cryo Tanks installed but I can’t confirm right now, I’ll get back to you when I can
  6. For some reason none of the tanks have fuel in them, everything else is there except the fuel. I've tried reinstalling the mod and it's dependencies but that did nothing. I'm using the latest version of SEP off Github if that helps. KSP.log link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MDCHGyFbrXTS6RkIBp54NciiE5pHEdwJ/view?usp=drive_link
  7. Not a bug, set your fmrs stage delay to a higher number
  8. Ah thanks, I assumed it was CryoTanks due to the name. tbh I should’ve looked through the logs before posting
  9. B9 is encountering a fatal error with CryoTanks, it looks like it's not detecting something called RR_CryoA or RR_CryoM and I have no clue how to fix this KSP.log file if needed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lkd5dcfkp3namaz/KSP.log?dl=0
  10. here's the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/hz3w1xoyiz2mq8y/KSP.log?dl=0
  11. yeah I've tried, for some reason downloading it from git hub causes the tanks to be completely broken, no fuel is shown in both the Starship's and Super Heavy's tank
  12. After an re-installation on CKAN the raptor engines on the super heavy appear completely white, the standalone raptors are textured correctly but booster's engines look untextured I've tried reinstalling it from CKAN and manually installing it but nothing seems to fix it.
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