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Everything posted by RhodeWithBrim

  1. Mod from the server here, not sure why it's being lumped in with matt's. There's a rule against directly NSFW content and it's a pretty inclusive place.
  2. Having some issues with the new version on KSRSS (Not sure whether this is an issue that the KSRSS guys gotta solve) but the gas giants, Mars and titan's atmospheres are completely broken and look like this.
  3. New Scatterer version dropped, now a few planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Titan) Are pretty bugged. Any plans to update the scatterer file?
  4. When on the pad, the Gigantor is fully extended, despite being in the retracted state.
  5. Not sure if this is intended, but the LOXAugemented mode on all the NTRs have no plume. The nozzle glows and sound plays but there is absolutely no plume. (Waterfall)
  6. Do we have any confirmation that squad is gonna fix the Docking port issues? It's practically impossible to make stations now... they just kraken apart.
  7. I believe a quick reinstall can fix that, worked for me.
  8. There seems to be an issue that prevents the CTRL-K menu from working/closing, and the spawning of any statics in 1.12. Does anybody have an ETA (if there is one) on when this bug will be fixed..?
  9. Whenever I install this mod, I end up in the middle of Florida and no Cape ever actually appears, I have all the dependencies. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?
  10. In the beta the Gojira Flaps have much more authority, is this intended because I sure like it. Edit: The Raptors no longer have a spool up and I don't have mechjeb installed, any ideas?
  11. I seem to be getting a load of lag while using the FH. Specifically the engines seem to be causing it, even lowering the smokescreen particle count doesn't seem to fix the lag. As soon as the main core exits the physics range of the boosters the lag stops.
  12. So, I started using Tundra back a while ago and my Raptor engines always had a sort of "Spool up" time where it wouldn't instantly throttle up the raptors (Like stock engines.) with the recent update this has disappeared. Any ideas?
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