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Everything posted by BuranAce

  1. I thought you wanted it Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhen style? Waiter! There is a probe in my soup!
  2. Sitting in the office with my plate of bacon calling my man dwight to see whats shakin - Michael Scott
  3. Anyone trying to troll? slap some missiles on your rocket For all mankind style! But in all seriousness, there should be some sort of report system where if a certain user is reported x amount of times they get banned from the server
  4. Welcome! Glad you stopped by here, as some of you may know my space agency, CASO has launched the CSL space station (pictured below), it will server as a long term pitstop, lab and housing for kerbals. it currently doesn't not have a built in laboratory, which is where you come in. You are too create a laboratory to be mounted on the CSL! Rules and guidelines The lab must be 2.5 meters in diameter The lab must have at least 1 standard clamp-o-tron docking port The lab must have science (duh) No mods at all, DLC is fine All participants must send either a workshop link or a craft file to their lab. The lab must be compatible with the science level below: Judging will be based on Science equipment, Aesthetics, Features and functionality Deadline is August 1st The winner will have their module launched to the CSL Good luck! and may the best aerospace engineer win!
  5. I know I have already posted, but here I am posting again . Now that I have sent up the adaptors to fit in the cargo bay, i sent up the first crew to the CSL Standing by for launch ' Cannuck has achieved orbit without problem Getting ready to dock Finally docked! the crew will stay up there for about a year conducting science.
  6. BuranAce

    KSP Jokes

    Me: Opens window to get some air in Everyone else on the duna ship:
  7. @peridootan avocado confirmed?


    1. peridoot



      no im a frog

    2. peridoot





  8. Not if I use my Buran powers and save peridoot with my heat tiles. @peridoot @Admiral Fluffy
  9. Eat it before it destroys the megathread. Waiter! Michael Scott is in my soup!
  10. I finally took it up to add the Adaptors to the CSL It will now allow 2 shuttles to be docked to the station at once! more to come!
  11. Sup. I'm currently wondering why jeb thought it would be a good idea to do post stall maneuvers in my new jet At least the lights still work @Ben J. Kerman?
  12. @Aerodynamic Kerbal You usually pop up every now and again
  13. Yes, as a matter of fact. @ColdJ needs to come in here sometime soon
  14. Moon Marines For all mankind flashbacks
  15. 14/10 its been you ColdJ, Stormpilot and Peridoot the past 25 posts.
  16. Are those submarines, with vostoks strapped onto them, being dropped from a massive space base? i have never seen something more kerbal in my life.
  17. it took me 3098490388949803 hours to make i hope you like it
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