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  1. Feature request: can we get options to point antennas directly away from a body (+radial)? As a bonus feature, perhaps aimpoints towards +/-normal and +/-orbit would be convenient too.
  2. Seems like there's case sensitivity issues regarding the GameData/KcalbelohSystem/cache/ directory. Windows is case-insensitive, Linux/*nix is case-sensitive, so capitalization matters in the latter case. Some hardcoded stuff seems to want uppercase "Cache", while the config files request lowercase "cache". The two possible fixes: (lazy way) create a symlink Cache pointing to cache/ or (IMO the proper way) rename the cache/ directory to Cache/ and change all the config files to use the capitalized name. Here's what I used to perform the latter (run in the GameData/KcalbelohSystem/Configs directory): sed -i 's%/cache/%/Cache/%g' *
  3. Here ya go: https://gist.github.com/Ronjoe/6b089bc50fa50c670faadd0bae875abe I hope that a github gist is acceptable. I started from a fresh install and used CKAN to install Recycled Parts Mk2 Lightning and its dependencies. I ensured the Mk22 dll is present, and started a fresh sandbox save to check whether the cockpit is there. It isn't.
  4. Heyo, I noticed that the Mk22 cockpit fell off my parts list at some point, even though its game files are still included. Could you please double-check its configuration?
  5. The new options aren't on ore tanks... Metal refining is on ISRUs, while RocketParts are on Mobile Processing Labs. They should be on many mod-added ones too.
  6. Hey linuxgurugamer, Could you please consider rolling Baha's Mk22 cockpits into this, alongside the existing Mk2 Lightning? The Mk2 Lightning on its own is pretty useless since it uses the B9 cross-section instead of the stock Mk2, which these parts do.
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