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Everything posted by 610yesnolovely

  1. First off thanks for the great mod, I love building Sounding Rockets. I've been building up and testing mods for a new 1.11.2 career (last time was on 1.8) and noticed you upped the science from 6 to 24! I was a bit suprised, but according to the change log: To encourage more sounding rocket use around Kerbin, the following changes have been implemented: - Sounding rocket experiments are now repeatable. - Sounding rocket experiments are now restricted to atmosphere only. - Sounding rocket experiments now give significantly more science I can see why you did this, because now one would definitely just use these sort of rockets for science on Kerbin - previous careers I pretty much stopped using them quite quickly. However I'm trying out UnKerballed Start: So my first rocket (in testing career before I really start) meant I could pretty much unlock four or five nodes (they're about 4 SP for each tech node). So that was... a bit toooo easy :-) Not the fault of your mod (I agree with more points), or really the other mod (I think it's designed for difficulties with Science at 50%, I'm testing at 100% for speed) - just the combo of the two doesn't quite work. My thoughts is I could write my own local user ModuleManager patch for the Sounding Rockets ScienceDefs, but then I'd not use them much later on (which is sad). Alternatively I could just use normal science parts. It'd be nicer to have some lower tech versions of the same items unlocked in the Start or TL1 nodes, with lower science unlocked straight away, and then part upgrades in later levels, perhaps around when others unlock. I've not done much ModuleManager patch writing, but sounds possible from what I've read. Sounding Rockets would be still be useful later in a career for less costly local science. Just thought I'd share in case anyone else has (or will) come across this and worked out a solution. Not asking for anyone to do anything
  2. Thanks @Manwith Noname for this amazing mod, @Shadowmage for Textures Unlimited, @OnlyLightMatters for the MH/BG work so far (I downloaded latest zip from GitHub). Together with other visual mods, TUFX and Conformal Decals this makes for even more distraction from actually building a rocket that might reach the Mun. Sheesh, I'm never going to get to Duna at this rate. Hmmm... now... what color should I make the Snack dispensers?
  3. Really looking forward to trying this out, even if it's in beta (I don't mind bleeding edges). There's some excellent attention to detail - I did try the original OSE Workshop just to see how it works. The only downside is I hardly ever get far enough to build things off planet - constantly upgrading KSP and restarting careers as modders bring out even more cool mods. Definitely would appreciate scaling support, I play at 4K so there's one or two really old mods that don't do this, I may have to buy a physical magnifying glass
  4. I've been using on 1.11.2, though I just re-started a new career, and everything seems to be working. Definitely is a great improvement on stock sounds, especially if you fly IVA.
  5. I'm using FAR (for the first time, shocking I know) - however I'm just testing out various mods while building up a set of mods for a new career later on. I've not played KSP much in the past few years, just getting back into it. So far in very limited testing (mostly in the editor) it's looking good. Some other things I'm trying out for the first time relevant here: Procedural Wings (obv), FAR, Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot, Conformal Decal, TUFX - I wanted to not only build things, but make them look pretty, so I'll be sure to let you know if all those interact nicely, or I find any bugs. Thanks for the 128 (or whatever) mods you keep active, that's a lot of work and organization. I've also watched some of your recorded live streams out of interest. Very cool.
  6. Trying now, so far the only thing I've noticed is some missing localizations: #autoLOC_B9_Aerospace_WingStuff_1000156 = AngleDefine #autoLOC_B9_Aerospace_WingStuff_1000157 = ThickScale #autoLOC_B9_Aerospace_WingStuff_1000158 = Include edges in definitions #autoLOC_B9_Aerospace_WingStuff_1000159 = No #autoLOC_B9_Aerospace_WingStuff_1000160 = Yes #autoLOC_B9_Aerospace_WingStuff_1000161 = EdgeIncluded #autoLOC_B9_Aerospace_WingStuff_1000162 = Include or exclude edges \nwhen changing propertiesof the wing. Note that I took this from the source code, and 162 has some wacky spacing. Perhaps that was copy-paste error by me? As a reward for being slightly helpful. I'm running at 4K so the editor window is a bit tiny (a few mods have this issue), perhaps the ability scale the UI. Probably that's a bit of work. I really should get a KSP dev environment set up and actually submit pull requests ... :-)
  7. Vulkan also has a bunch of Youtube videos on his channel showing off IVA flights and the OPT J-HT3 cockpit using MAS, worth watching if you're one of the 22 people who like flying in IVA view.
  8. I didn't pay too much attention (I was laughing), but I didn't actually see if there was a ball and/or where it went. Possible mod idea? Kerbal Golf In-Spaaace? My mod idea relates to IVAs, but as somebody said in MOARdv's Avionics System thread: "Only 25 people play with IVAs", so you'll have to be very patient before you see anything.
  9. Hi all, I think I've been reading the forums for years, and finally created an account. Recent exciting thing done in KSP: Using MechJeb's Scripting Module to automate everything so Jeb can sit back and enjoy the camera views from ASET IVAs as he crashes into the Mun. Furthest place I've reached in five years of occasionally playing KSP: Minmus. Most recent discovery: Playing golf on the Mun. Recent mistake resulting in "Revert To Launch": Forgetting to disable fuel crossfeed over a docking port, which resulted in all three Kerbals getting stranded on the Mun with not enough fuel to return. Project idea for the future: Getting into KSP modding, making a very small mod that does something useful. Cheers!
  10. Here's my opinion: Nertea's mods are of the utmost quality and detail that is comparable to the top AAA game artists/designers. The amount of detail and scope is mind boggling, and I have no idea how he does it in his spare time. This guy could easily get a job and do this for a living (I think he really like his day job though), but you're getting this for free. (I created my account finally to say this - I've been lurking for years. On the bright side, this comment did motivate me to at least de-lurk and perhaps make a very very small mod I've been researching.)
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