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Everything posted by 610yesnolovely

  1. Oooh, great find! That does look very interesting. I've seen it, but not tried them. I did make a very cluttered list of lots of IVA that I found when searching, but havn't included it anywhere yet. I shall paste it unmodified below (it did indeed contain the above), but essentially, when I get a chance I hope to clear it up, add all the links to GitHub and then order them all, and try them all and see which I can get to work, plan on support etc. That'll take quite a bit of time though. Often IVA packs are harder to find, so one intention is to definitely make Reviva include a list of how to find them, even if I don't support. There's a few more I have found that are not on this list, but on GitHub and vice-versa, and it'd be great if anyone knows of others to include them below. Even if it's mods that have non-stock parts with IVA cockpits.
  2. Nice find! Is that related to a very rare sound bug where engine sounds simply no longer work, the only way to fix it is to restart the game (changing scenes, reloading, nothing fixes it)?
  3. 0.7.2 Release (11th Mar 2022) Fixes: Undocking two of same craft causing crash (3) Correctly switch IVA for in-flight craft where multiple similar craft present (4)
  4. Found two bugs in Reviva while play testing, I shall be updating hopefully tomorrow to fix: Undock with Reviva installed caused hard crash https://github.com/harveyt/reviva/issues/3 Switching to craft in Tracking Center after load (two docked) has incorrect IVA loaded (selection is correct tho): https://github.com/harveyt/reviva/issues/4
  5. Yup - File Explorer. The text box for the folder shown is near the top, paste that %USERPROFILE% text inside the quotes (without the quotes). There you will find the elusive Player.log Computers are extremely annoying and way too complicated.
  6. You're welcome. A release of MAS would be fantastic. I havn't seen many issues, though I'm only just getting into using IVA cockpits in my play through again (after not playing KSP for a year or two). The only issues I'm finding was the MechJeb integration sometimes seems to get confused, and I've not managed to work out or reproduce issues, one example was a transfer to a vehicle 10km lower orbit, using the Alcor MAS MFD (not IFMS) it put the mnvr node 4 days in the past, but MechJeb direct put it 2 days in the future. Sorry to hear there's some IRL and reduced enthusiasm - totally get that, as a long time senior gamedev, burnout is real. Also, having read through a lot of the work in AvionicsSystem, it is an immense and fantastic achievement, so thank you so much for all that work.
  7. Welcome fellow new developer, especially IVA - love those, and they are a lot of work, so congratulations! Very exciting. I'm sure the mods may mention also, I think you probably need to add a License and public source code link also in your post. I've found the easiest way to do this is to make a README.md in your source code and then view it (on GitHub) and copy paste into the post above. See my first attempt (note that the post below was about the 32nd edit until somebody pointed out how to do this. So much to learn)
  8. The post I linked includes how to do this, but computers are way too complicated. Here's how to do it: Open "Explorer" Paste "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log" (stuff inside quotes) into the text box. You should see "Player.log" in the folder, copy that onto Dropbox or some file sharing service (don't paste it here, it's way too big). Post the URL of the Dropbox file here in a message. The reason for doing this is so the developer or somebody else can see what you have installed, where things are going wrong, etc.
  9. Ah, apologies, didn't spot that - my bad. For the logs, see point 1. in here:
  10. Possibly something that slightly confused me - I play with "No Entry Purchase Required on Research" turned off (ie. you have to pay to unlock - see https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Game_Difficulty) - I didn't see the TCA upgrades in the ship editor, and you have to pay to unlock them only in the R&D screen?
  11. Just started using some mixed RPM/MAS-ified pods (Mk2 via Reviva) and noticed that in the ALCOR40x20 MFD, as mentioned in earlier posts, that the MechJeb integration seems to be broken in v1.12.1. @MOARdVsaid at the time likely due to the MJ api changing. I'm seeing the Ascent Guidance shows "MechJeb Error" status led, and doesn't work at all, and the MNVR page can set up but not execute nodes (MechJeb light is out). Tempted to have a go at looking at the code and figuring out stuff and perhaps a GitHub pull request if I ever get to figuring it out. I'd also love to get MJ versions of SAS in one of the MFDs, and take a look at the IFMS versions. Support for things like Atmosphere Autopilot and TCA would be marvellous, plus a good Science action/storage pages. One can dream, but in my case, I might (over many months) tinker and see if I can get anywhere. No promises. Took a quick look re MJ, there's an exception in the logs: [ERR 21:53:47.320] [AvionicsSystems] MJ static ctor exception System.NotImplementedException: mjFuelFlowSimulationStats_t at AvionicsSystems.MASIMechJeb..cctor () [0x004f2] in <0bf90ae8ff9d477c823199001f706a26>:0 The code in MASIMechJeb.cs means this exception will not enable MJ support - all the previous type lookups worked, and this one is looking for MuMech.FuelFlowSimulation.Stats, but that got renamed from Stats to FuelStats. about 9 months ago, I think in 2.12.3 - possibly looking for either would fix that. Oh, also "deltaV" changed to "DeltaV" (the only field used), so that would also need to look for both. Tested it, seems to fix the issue. Pull request sent on GitHub: https://github.com/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems/pull/344 (If anyone wants this, clone my fork and build with Visual Studio Community Edition)
  12. Released 0.7.1 on to CKAN and SpaceDock. Thread moved to Add-on Releases. I'm currently playing career with it installed, and @Stone Blueis even using it successfully in an upcoming patch for the ERS Rover.
  13. I've finished pre-release development on my first mod (yay), can we move the above thread from Add-On Development to Add-on Releases? Thank you!
  14. Currently Reviva manages to switch the IVA of all the stock cockpits essentially by doing DespawnIVA(), then sets the internal model name, calls CreateInternalModel() and finally SpawnIVA(). This works, and I've been using in real world play through, but assumes that the crew count is the same (it should be), the Ultimate Shuttle IVA doesn't have the same crew count (6 vs 3 in stock), so I fixed it in a patch. It seems this is enough to work, without doing stuff with parts, it's essentially what seems to happen (with the IVA at least) is loaded or goes on-rails and back. In game when you switch in flight, the Kerbals disappear into static for a while, then the IVA comes back with them sitting in a seat - what I think happens is that the proto vessel (used when on rails) has the Kerbal crew / seat set up saved, so the Despawn() removes the actual models, IVA, etc, then the internal model is recreated and spawned back in from the proto definition, Kerbals assigned to physically newly spawned seats again, etc. Viola, switched. I'm relying on the KSP code that does all the work usually, to do all the work in a "faked" off-on rails just for the IVA. I have to handle some RPM and MAS specific cases - I destroy and recreate/reload the computers that run these after switching the module definitions dynamically, it doesn't seem to be actually required, but it's possible that some minor colour settings and configuration are missed. Mostly cosmetic. I also took care to keep the ordering of the part modules the same, though I'm not even sure that's needed. Aside: Reviva is now on CKAN
  15. @Angel-125(WBI) and @Sir Mortimer(Kerbalism) - pinging these guys, did a search on GitHub and some of their mods use SpawnIVA(), in fact Angel's code seems to try to do IVA switching perhaps? I can't remember if I read that code a long time ago, but probably did. Probably won't get a response, but at least in a few months time they can tell us how to do it properly.
  16. The mod uses the KSP API to load the model - in my testing of simpler stock IVA it works well enough, but sure, entirely possible that there's more to be done in more complex examples. Most of the time these things are "guess the api". If you look here: in https://github.com/harveyt/reviva/blob/22528d1ab2df6794e19975a8657376edf3696561/plugin/ModuleIVASwitch.cs#L165 The two calls that do most of the work are: this.part.CreateInternalModel(); this.part.SpawnIVA(); I assume you're talking about switching the stock and ASET IVA in the ERS that you're working on? Perhaps available on GitHub so I can clone and take a look? Alternatively it's a process of looking at the API documentation for InternalModule, Vehicle, and anything similar looking for possible routines and trying them (which is how I got it to work). Possibly also do GitHub search to see if there's any KSP mods that do similar things.
  17. In case anyone would need such a thing, ModuleManager patch to change ASET MFDs such that ascent page uses ExtCam1 (but has ExtCam2 as alternative), and more importantly has landing page with ExtCam2 first (then ExtCam1). Why? Set ExtCam1 to point up/forward for ascent, ExtCam2 to point down/reverse for landing when building.
  18. Apologies for resurrecting this thread, but this as I'm collecting IVAs for another mod, this is such high quality I hope @stephm releases it or puts whatever he's done on GitHub.
  19. Resurrected since I'm currently running both RPM and MAS, and am about to try to get kOS and kOSPropMonitor working. Looks like @vulkans YouTube video shows MAS MFDs working with kOSPropMonitor. The currently released AvionicsSystem from CKAN, does not (yet) have the ASET to MAS prop upgrades (ie. "AsetToMasUpgrade.nocfg" has not been renamed yet), I think the GitHub version does however. So in the future, if it doesn't work look for that file in AvionicsSystem and rename it (or disable just the MFD40x20 upgrade, or add a user local final patch to undo it). So for now the MFD40x20 props (which RPM will run and provide support for kOSPropMonitor) are not run by MAS versions (MAS_ALCOR_MFD40x20), so kOSPropMonitor seems (from testing) to work: Install RPM Install MAS Install kOS Install latest kOSPropMonitor (from SpaceDock, the CKAN version is older - @dsonbilldidn't update CKAN I guess?) Advert: If you like IVAs, I recently started developing this mod which lets you switch IVA in the editor and *in-flight* (supports RPM and/or MAS). It includes Stock and Missing History support for switching Stock, RPM, ASET (via DE/HonkHogans IVA), the Alexustas ASET, Ultimate Shuttle IVA, and has variants of the ASET props where a couple of MFD's are swapped out for the super new swanky MAS versions. Also for that OPT JHT cockpit, @vulkans kOS scripts are available via dropbox, see his YouTube videos. The link is the second Dropbox link he posted in answer to a comment there.
  20. Very exciting. More IVA the better. Having the IVA switching in another mod is great also - totally expect to see people do that. It'll help once I get CKAN working, then Reviva could be a recommend or option in ERS via CKAN. And yes, making IVA of any kind seems time consuming. The way I cheated is to hand edit a couple of MAS MFDs using ModuleManager in Reviva itself as variants, as I use RPM and MAS together. The MAS MFD have much better navigation, and MechJeb support. Interesting... I've found some IVA, especially fighter style cockpits or planes, don't let you look around too much. I use TrackIR in IVA (KSP Flight Sim 2005), so I may add something like this. Did I imagine it, or did somebody have an IVA where they used external camera display parts as mirrors in a fighter cockpit? I may have seen this in another game and got confused, but it's a neat idea also.
  21. Pull requests welcome! Does the rover have other IVA configurations? Intrigued as to what you're thinking of doing. Cool stuff I'm sure. What I've done is added a MAS upgrade variant where I replace a couple of MFD with the improved MAS variant, and I'm going to do that with the ALCOR lander - it'll have just two configs: ALCOR and ALCOR+MAS. Even then, if there's IVA / mods with just one IVA, my intention is to simply add links to the README and eventually add CKAN support for recommends/optionals such that it's easy to install all the IVA you could ever need. My next tasks are to work on a CKAN and test it locally, and set up automation for publishing on CKAN, Curse, and Spacedock - I've seen a few modders provide python automation for this. I'm currently play testing also, finally reached crewed in UKS tech tree and so thatprompted me to do the KV-1 (and missing history).
  22. 0.7.1 Pre-Release (28th Feb 2022) - Support Missing History KV-1, KV-2, KV-3, MK2 command pod and M.E.M. lander. - Configurations for Stock, ASET IVA for Making History Pods, and MAS alternatives for Mk2 and M.E.M (the KV pods are meant to be low to medium tech only).
  23. Gosh, yes, I remember reading about how it might be done in the WPF thread - I'll add that when I start adding in support for Making History, soonish, once I get to that in my play thru, I'm stuck on building probes - since I use Unkerballed Start :-). By the way, the Warbird Cockpits are excellent.
  24. Excellent, the more IVA choices, the better. There's two ways you could do this: both would need to depend on Reviva - either change the IVA package itself and add a MM script to add an additional "SUBTYPE" node to the Mk1 Lander IVA supplied by reviva, or send me a pull request on GitHub to add it. The file in question is https://github.com/harveyt/reviva/blob/main/GameData/Reviva/Stock/mk1lander.cfg - ModuleB9PartSwitch with moduleID = IVASwitch and follow the same pattern. If the IVA needs data in the RasterPropMonitorComputer - check the DE_IVAExtension SUBTYPE, you put it into the subtype - the Reviva DLL can handle both RPM and/or MAS settings: it essentially removes those modules and reloads them (a reboot) when you switch. If the IVA does anything more than that (changing other module via MM) those changes are probably not going to work, at least for in-flight switching and probably doesn't make sense anyway - for example the Ultimate Shuttle IVA changed the crew capacity which would be interesting in-flight (when you switch back, do the extra 3 kerbals go on forced EVA, or do you store them in carbonite...). Such edits, even in editor, may or may not work - I've not fully investigated that: if it's changing a property marked KSPField for example, in-editor, does that get saved for the vessel, and/or OnLoad/OnSave do it, or are the parts and modules always loaded from the part database. As to Probe Control Room - I'm going to look at that soonish, after Missing History support, since I do use it myself. I'm guessing it's weird but from what you say, sounds like it'll be possible.
  25. Whoa... that's a whole heap, my brain will explode if you write more. Thanks! I'll have to re-read that when I'm more awake. I knew some of those things, the more general development (I think most modders are software developers by day), but the particular tips about KSP, this forum, markdown, pandoc, shields.io - that's super useful. The forum editor really sucks, and after some forum searching I concluded that the best approach is to look at people's GitHub and try to guess how they did it. For build automation @Nerteahas some here: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/build-deploy, and https://github.com/ihsoft/KSPDev_ReleaseBuilder by @IgorZ- plenty of good stuff out there. I'm a Linux, Emacs, make, python, automate-all-the-things old school (but not as old some ).
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