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Everything posted by Autochrome

  1. I have recompleted the STS 1b mission, making sure to get enough proof to get the badge. I launched the fuel pod into a 100-ish orbit (Difference of only 30 meters between apoapsis and periapsis). I then deorbited the Determination Space Shuttle and landed at the KSC Runway. I streamed the entire thing to make sure there is no doubt in the submission. Part 1: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1055584293 Part 2: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1055983553 Here is a photo album just in case: https://imgur.com/a/E7zxTgk With this, I am reapplying for the STS 1b Commander Stock Badge.
  2. @Artienia It's also in a geostationary orbit, they are just so close together that you can barely see one another on the map screen. The second satellite was the one I showed in my original 2a submission. You can see it here: https://imgur.com/a/DLrDmR8
  3. @Artienia Here is the remaining proof for STS 2a (Includes the other satellite and its orbit): https://imgur.com/a/CpEYaTh I hope this clears doubt about my STS 2a submission.
  4. @Artienia Thanks for the badges! I'll try to get the remaining proof for some of the missions, and redo the ones I can't get proof for. I could stream the redo missions, that should remove any doubt in the mission, so I'll try that.
  5. I have completed the first mission in the Mun Series. I deployed a manned laboratory on the surface of the Mun with the Determination Space Shuttle, and after two aero-braking passes, I landed at the KSC Runway. Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/a/tqjPOyF (Photo Album of the mission) With this first mission done, I am applying for the Mun STS-1 Commander Stock Badge.
  6. @sturmhauke After 2 days of launching the modules of the space station with the Determination Space Shuttle, then having to land the Determination at the KSC Runway, I have completed the space station missions of STS 5-8. The STS Station was launched into a 310km orbit with a service, habitation, and two scientific modules. Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/a/ASHqCUX https://imgur.com/a/eqz98Wr https://imgur.com/a/A0lbn1Z https://imgur.com/a/3JQHbX2 With these final main Kerbin missions done, I am applying for the STS 5-8 Commander Stock Badge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't mean to be rude, but when will I get the badges? I have completed all of the Kerbin missions. ---------------------------------------- Now attempting the Mun Series.
  7. I have, for the thousandth time (I have literally nothing else to do but these missions), completed another mission in this challenge, STS-4. First, I launched a shuttle with 6 crew into a 370km, 26 degree orbit. I then launched another shuttle to rescue the crew, and then headed back down to Kerbin and landed at the KSC Runway. Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/a/kiVd0kr https://imgur.com/a/tV18QeS https://imgur.com/a/grLMroJ With another mission biting the dust, I am applying for the STS-4 Commander Stock Badge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will now begin the STS-5-8 missions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have done STS-5-6, will now do STS-7-8.
  8. I have done another mission in this challenge, Kerbin STS-3. I launched a telescope to a 600km orbit with an inclination of 30 degrees. I deployed the telescope and put its two solar panels on by two engineers. I then deorbited the shuttle and landed at the KSC Runway. Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/a/jkRzF22 https://imgur.com/a/8XIlY13 https://imgur.com/a/hpsYRDe With this done, I am applying for the STS-3 Commander Stock Badge.
  9. After launching my shuttle and capturing the fuel pod I had left in a 90km orbit, I landed back down by the KSC Runway, but not on it, unfortunately. Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/a/7BJgEq4 https://imgur.com/a/IwyVkI1 With this, I am applying for the STS 2b Pilot Stock Badge.
  10. @sturmhauke(I don't know if I am suppose to ping you for the mission submission; if not, sorry for the inconvenience) I have once again done a mission in this challenge, STS 2a, where I deployed two geostationary satellites from 205 km up, then a boost stage brought them up to the geostationary orbit. I then landed the shuttle by the KSC. Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/a/gXBFkkf https://imgur.com/a/XSZw9nG https://imgur.com/a/n188y0A With this, I am applying for the STS 2a Pilot Stock Badge. (I hope to be able to do the rest of the missions) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently attempting STS 2b, just captured the fuel pod.
  11. @Dr. Kerbal Thanks for calling my submission awesome, I appreciate it!
  12. After managing to get the shuttle with the payload to orbit (It was not easy), I deployed the payload (which was a recreation of the one showed in the STS 1b), and landed back at the KSC Runway, thus completing the Bonus STS 1b mission. Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/zIwBg7X https://imgur.com/Z1I74f6 https://imgur.com/ohcuWxV With this mission done, I am applying for the STS 1b Commander Stock Badge.
  13. For the STS 1b mission, I have put two additional boosters on the lift stage for the heavy payload. https://imgur.com/a/1wXE3kY I hope I can get this payload to orbit.
  14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will now be attempting the STS 1b badge, don't know if it will work
  15. I have landed at the KSC Runway after five tries for the STS 1a mission! Here is my proof: https://imgur.com/PuWFNQg https://imgur.com/gohmNf5 https://imgur.com/KdjxlT7 https://imgur.com/o2g7GQk I believe I can apply for the STS 1a Commander Badge: Also, can someone tell me the difference between the silver feathers and the gold feathers on the badge? Is the silver feathers for people who used mods? I didn't use mods, so I should get the gold feathers if that is the case. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nevermind, I read the meaning of the badges.
  16. Ok, I think I am finally ready to attempt STS 1a: https://imgur.com/a/EBQjPqu The Determination Space Shuttle is go for launch.
  17. Let me introduce you to the Determination Space Shuttle! https://imgur.com/a/DqhLXR6 I hope to improve this shuttle in the future.
  18. @Bej Kerman Yes. The Kraken drive can help get you out of the atmosphere and back home to Kerbin. Getting back home is a requirement of the challenge.
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