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Everything posted by Autochrome

  1. THP - Chapter 13, Part III: Odysseus XI/Theia I - First Space Station Mission Goal: Launch the first crewed mission to the Theia Space Station. Crew: Jebediah, Valentina, and Bill Kerman. Mission Report: Speaking of often, I was bored and decided to go ahead and do Theia I/Odysseus X while I was at it. The next mission will be a big one, with an extended stay on the Mun's surface with Odysseus XI/Iliad V-VI.
  2. THP - Chapter 13, Part II: Theia Station - Solar Module Launch Goal: Launch the Theia Station Core Module into Orbit. Mission Report: I can't believe it's already been two years since I first started this series. Sorry for my nearly a year extended break (again), I've just gotten out for the summer and will hopefully be able to upload more often.
  3. THP - Chapter 13, Part I: Theia Station - Core Module Launch While the first goal of the Hyperion Program was to land on the Mun once again, the next goal is to set up a permanent Kerbal presence in the orbit of Kerbin. This is what the launch of the Core Module of the first space station, Theia, aims to do. Goal: Launch the Theia Station Core Module into orbit. Mission Report: Bit of a short episode, but my summer has been surprising busy. Thank you all for waiting!
  4. I'm working on the space station core that's going to be launched in the next part, so it might come out a little later.
  5. THP - Chapter 12, Part II: Odysseus IX/Iliad IV - Second Mun Landing Mission Report: I'm going to be out of town until Wednesday, so the next chapter probably won't come until late in next week.
  6. THP - Chapter 12, Part I: Odysseus IX/Iliad IV - Second Mun Landing Goal: Land on the Mun again and deploy more extensive science experiments. Crew: Jebediah, Valentina, and Jay Kerman. Mission Report: Hyperion Program is back! Thank you all for sticking with me in my hiatus. Part II should come out sometime soon, so continue to stay tuned!
  7. Hey all, I currently have a revitalized interest in Kerbal Space Program, so now I have motivation to continue this series! The chapters are going to be a bit different, with more of a focus on screenshots and less text, which gets repetitive over time. The first of these parts will come out sometime in the next few days, so stay tuned!
  8. Strapped Bob into a lawn chair and accidently crashed into the ground (He survived this). 8/10, would play again.
  9. Sorry for the absence (again), but I have lost most motivation to work on this thread, as burnout on Kerbal Space Program has screwed me over. I'll probably reboot the series when Kerbal Space Program 2 comes out, but I don't know currently.
  10. I was thinking that after one more landing on the Mun and the launch of the LKO Station Core.
  11. THP - Chapter 11, Part IV: Odysseus VIII Return - Mun Landing Special As their main mission is complete, Denzer and Bill are about to make their departure from the Munar surface and back to the Odysseus spacecraft. Mission Report: It might be two months since the last post, but I thank you guys for believing that I would make another. Not a very long one, but new posts will come out more frequently for the next two weeks.
  12. Now that I'm finished with midterms, I can once again focus on this series, and a new part will be coming soon.
  13. Welcome to the forum community!
  15. THP - Chapter 11, Part III: Iliad III Landing - Mun Landing Special When we last left our brave kerbonauts, they were drifting away from Kerbin on a trajectory that would bring them to the Mun for the first landing in decades. This part will continue with the crew on this journey, and if they will be successful in this bold leap for space exploration. Mission Report: Thank you guys for being patient, it's not very easy to make one of these long parts when I'm still suffering from a burnout on KSP.
  16. Good news guys: The next part of Chapter 11 will be coming out tomorrow (hopefully)! Stay tuned for that.
  17. Yeah, unfortunately this series has been cancelled for the time being (most likely forever) because it's unrealistic, I have a lack of time, and a lack of interest in KSP at the moment. I'm having to squeeze all my little remaining focus into Hyperion Program, so sorry about that.
  18. So I've been learning about Alkali metals in Chemistry class, and how they are extremely reactive with water. The reactivity and explosions when coming into contact with water gets bigger as the mass and atomic number increases, until you reach Francium. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately) you can't put it in water because there are no stable isotopes that last more than 22 minutes, which brings me to my question. What would happen if you could put Francium in water? What size of reaction and explosion would it have when it touched the liquid?
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