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  • About me
    professional at sending kerbals to their death
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    ksp, ksp, ksp, programming, ksp

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  1. Build a Winnebago with Wings and rockets on those wings. Bonus points if you put secret hyperjets in the back.
  2. Today I landed a surface base (using planetary base systems) on Sera (modded planet from the Kcalbeloh pack) and I'm going to be sending a 3D Printer to print up rockets/base modules and such (sandcastle + extraplanetary launchpads my beloved). I don't really know what to do with the surface base now that it's there (i wasn't expecting to get this far) so if anyone has any suggestions, tell me!
  3. Unfortunately, today my save was corrupted (and my main PC I use for ksp died tragically after severe HDD death) BUT I'm digging through my backup blu-ray disc collection to find my backed up save from about a week ago. I'm also getting a new computer.
  4. Banned for using the posting on the KSP Fourms specifically on the 13th of november.
  5. Remember: if theirs even just parts of your rocket on a planet, thats a landing.
  6. I am playing science mode and I have a ton of parts. Any EZ non-kerbin places to go to? Specifically I would like a FlyBy of the moon/planet and return.
  7. I Landed on the Mun and now I want to get a Flyby of Minmus. Im playing science mode btw. If anyone can help I would really like it
  8. I have landed on the Mun before but I want better ways on Landing there. Anyone got any tips? Thanks.
  9. Im playing Science mode with no mods and I need some Easy Science points so can someone tell me how? Thanks.
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