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  1. Thanks for explaining how it works because i always thought the force of the neutron literally split it in half. dunning kruger effect. im not good with math (i still got an A in physics thanks ksp) so i always try to stay away from the math and just assume everything is hard.
  2. Im not a nuclear scientist or anything but ik how fission works, shoot a neutron at an atom like uranium that will split easy and cause the strong force is trying to hold the atom together when it splits all that energy gets released and that split atom flies off and makes a chain reaction. But thats all i know and theres a lot of really complicated math and physics behind it and its amazing they were able to figure it out then but i think the reason they did was because guys like oppenheimer felt like they were racing against the germans. It also amazes me how little we have used nuclear tech because its so amazing and I think I know reasons why but its probably too political and crazy to be talking about here so ill keep it too myself.
  3. I watched a video or something that said nukes were a “23rd century technology that we accidentally discovered in the 20th.” or something like that. Do you guys think that’s true or is it inevitable for any civilization/species to get that technology when they reach 1940s level technology? Interesting question
  4. I am excited for mods i hope all my favorite mods from ksp 1 will be ported to ksp 2
  5. Will some mod ever bring it into the game or do you think the distances involved are just too stupid to work in the game and also the fact there are billions of stars in galaxies which might make a lot of peoples computers explode
  6. jesse gus is starting a space program as a front for his meth empire jesse
  7. yes what you are saying no intelligent aliens like it should be a realistic take on aliens most of them in the game would just be bacteria and small multicellular things
  8. how in the lords name do you get them into space though
  9. for any of u that are wondering my idea is that the robotic kerbals will need to recharge and have batteries and stuff they could be deployed by kerbals like the breaking ground experiments are and once they are switched on they function like super buffed engineers that can carry super heavy objects and manipulate larger parts and they have more eva fuel so they can fly around for longer and if there is any life support in ksp 2 obviously wouldnt need any they would be very helpful for building bases but they would have limitations like not being to go in liquids and cant be controlled if theyre not in communication range
  10. how would it make kerbals obsolete, you can make rovers in the game that can basically do everything a kerbal can kerbals are special because they carry risk with them and u usually want to get them home the robotic kerbals are just tools to be used and arent important theyre just another space probe
  11. So instead of actual living kerbals it would be cool if there were robotic ones like NASAs robonaut that could do everything kerbals could do but of course they would need to have electrical charge and have a connection to kerbin. because they are not alive they could be stored outside a space capsule and could survive stuff that kerbals normally couldnt like high speed impacts or lava etc. just imagine these things but with a more kerbal like form
  12. how tf are u gonna get to other galaxies the distance between them is unimaginable
  13. i just visited laythes north pole for the first time the other day thats partially why i got the idea to make this suggestion
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