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Fullmetal Analyst

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Everything posted by Fullmetal Analyst

  1. well since the game is made in unity which means most of the game code is still single threaded and we cant expect much of a performance increase compared to KPS1 which was also made in unity. so a procedurally generated world is kinda out of the question, for performance reason. i would be suprised if we could actually even make stable space stations with more than 250 parts in ksp2... but im afraid we will run into about the same performance issues in both games...
  2. they dont even have time to add in any more delays, they have to release in february or the game might get canceled, not sure what ure up to lol
  3. after putting 6 years of development time into colonies i doubt they will be optional lol
  4. if you guys knew more about kerbals you would know that they only need sunlight to survive and they can be frozen and thawed like cabbage so they dont need any LS
  5. at least i wouldnt lie about release date year after year and give my fans this nonsense
  6. i think hippies just wouldnt care about some happy little nukes in space xD
  7. do you really believe the devs get a share of the earnings from the game? they have a fixed salary and possibly a relatively small bonus after release, depending on their contract
  8. thats quite a big claim xD the development of ksp2 has taken 6 years so far the devs are getting paid no matter what, T2 has enough money
  9. dont understand why anyone would even want to work with repurposed bovine waste like this xD especially for a game that relies heavily on its community like KSP i think they owe us for trolling us with the release date for years
  10. remind me, how many copies of ksp1 did they sell? i highly doubt that they need the money, they just want it and they want it now xD
  11. a bit late to draw this conclusion now, no? i would gladly volunteer to help out, but im not willing to help them for free and also pay them 50€ for it, what a joke i doubt the moderators have to pay 50€ to help them with their forum xD they contained mostly absolutely meaningless stuff, nothing interesting about any new features, not a single word about multiplayer, except that it will exist in some way, and the only thing we know about colonies is that they exist, they will gather resources, and work as some sort of VAB what an absurd thought homeoffice exists how many copies of ksp1 did they sell again? that would be a good thing if they let us play the game for free at least until the multiplayer is released, they would get tons of feedback and free help, but i doubt alot of people are willing to pay 50€ to do QA for them all in all i dont understand what they think they are gaining from treating their community like this
  12. maybe we expected more than a paid alpha test after 6 years of dev time... i mean if they valued the communities input on their development they wouldnt have been so secretive about it the whole time, they obviously just want money, else they would let us play the game for free until its finished, usually you pay people for doing QA for you, not the other way around...
  13. bruh look at the "timeline", we dont even have science and tech tree...
  14. now they are ripping them off with this early access <insert generic swear word here> to add another 1-2 years of dev time
  15. i doubt they will cancel the game at this stage plz Elon send help
  16. well its ksp1 but with fewer features and no mods then let us play the game for free until the testing is done, its not like the studio is that desperate for money, having people pay 50€ to test the game for you is just rude...
  17. how long until we can see an actual full release of KSP2? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years? this early access <insert generic swear word here> definitely isnt the release we were expecting for early 2023, there arent even any new features, its basically just a dumbed down version of ksp1 without science or anything... you are literally making people pay for alpha-testing your game instead of paying someone to test the game for you... thats not how it should work... how long are you going to take to add each of the topics in the mind map? i mean after 6 years of development all that stuff should be about finished and just need some polishing or am i wrong? can you please just stop trolling your fanbase and give us some facts?
  18. hahaha now they are actually doing early access, so much for early 2023 release, what a joke! and they actually expect us to pay 50$ to beta test their game lol what a huge disappointment after all this wait time in that sense: source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAL3XaP-LyE
  19. what im trying to say is that u seem to be basing ur opinion on other peoples opinion which is kinda weird, its not really your opinion anymore
  20. doesnt change the fact that older games that were entirely designed for PC only had way better UI than modern titles which have to take console controls into consideration still its severely limiting they could still add better keyboard controls, dont see whats the problem with that, its not like u need to remake the entire game, u just have to add some extra input support
  21. why are u even basing ur opinion on what others think, instead of just basing it on hard facts?
  22. elden ring controls for pc are totally crippled, instead of being able to just press a number key to use an item slot, we actually have to scroll through 8 different item slots using 2 keys, and then we have to activate this item with a third key which is totally retarded imo... this issue could have easily been avoided, sadly the devs are running some sort of console masterrace mentality and didnt even think about extending control scheme for PC because console hardware and control scheme are severely limited alot of performance issues could be circumvented by shifting stuff to memory instead of recalculating it on the CPU every time, sadly one cant just add more RAM to a console, so the entire game basically has to be designed around a consoles capabilities the UI also has to be designed in a way that supports the limited number of buttons on a controller: instead of having one which is easy to use with a mouse and keyboard, in many games we have to deal with dumb oversized UI that makes it hard to browse inventories and the likes on PC, often making it very clunky to use compared to what it could be
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