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Everything posted by munix

  1. Generally, reinstalling the game should never be necessary when dealing with mod issues. At most, deleting the BepInEx folder and the doorstop_config.ini and winhttp.dll files should basically get you to fully pre-mod state.
  2. Thank you for the report, this is an issue with the fonts used in the UITK for KSP2 library - they don't support Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters. However, I will release an update as soon as possible that will add them.
  3. Could you post the logs with Patch Manager properly installed?
  4. The log indicates you have a partial/broken installation of Patch Manager that is preventing the game from loading. Specifically, it seems like you removed PatchManager from plugins but not from patchers
  5. This should no longer be an issue in SpaceWarp 1.8, since the Configuration Manager was removed and replaced by the Mods tab in Settings.
  6. Please post the logs, without them it's very difficult to pinpoint the specific issue you're having, since you're the first person who has reported any issues. You can find the log file in C:\Users\your_username\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Player.log, and you can upload it for example to https://pastebin.com/.
  7. Space Warp 1.8.0 What's Changed Localization updates: If a term is missing in some languages, correctly fall back to English Overrides for existing (stock and modded) terms now possible Localization can now be added for languages not supported by the stock game Added French localization and some Portuguese by @MBoutray in https://github.com/SpaceWarpDev/SpaceWarp/pull/279 Mod list improvements: UITK for KSP2 and SpaceWarp now have their own category "Core mods", because they are necessary and cannot be disabled Mods are now sorted alphabetically in all the categories Added a button to restart the game when there are changes detected A new preload patcher API, which will allow disabling patchers of disabled mods Configuration Manager (F1) has been removed, as it has been very unreliable with Unity 2022, instead use the Mods tab in the Settings menu Known bugs The app button in the KSC still does not work. Updating When installing this update manually, you will first need to delete the existing KSP2/BepInEx/patchers/SpaceWarp, KSP2/BepInEx/plugins/SpaceWarp and KSP2/BepInEx/plugins/ConfigurationManager folders. When updating through CKAN, you will also need to update BepInEx. Full changelog https://github.com/SpaceWarpDev/SpaceWarp/compare/spacewarp-1.7.0...spacewarp-1.8.0
  8. Axial tilt is supported in the stock game, so I assume it has no issues with clouds.
  9. Do you have the latest version of CKAN (1.34.4)? It's needed to install newest versions of most mods.
  10. Could you upload your Ksp2.log file somewhere (for example https://pastebin.com/) and post it here?
  11. We're very close to making a 1.8 release, which will contain some much needed improvements of localization (allowing mods to modify and add new translations of the game's text), and some minor UI updates, and then we are planning to finally start work on the 2.0 update, we already have some pretty big plans for it.
  12. This is just a folder for user save data, your installation folder will generally be in the Steam library location, such as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2. Then you'll want to extract just the contents of the zip file into it (so the BepInEx folder that you'll find inside the zip), but make sure you first install all the dependencies, like SpaceWarp and UITK for KSP2. The easiest way to get all this done would be using CKAN, which installs all necessary dependencies and mod updates for you.
  13. Ah yeah, that's definitely the case, CKAN had an update that's needed to get the latest versions of mods, I forgot about that.
  14. That sounds like you have autostaging on, rather than any problem. It's the little S button at the top of mod window.
  15. Is there any reason to stick with SpaceWarp 1.6? The newest version of Micro Engineer definitely works fine with SpaceWarp 1.7.
  16. Do you have all the required dependencies? SpaceWarp 1.7, UITK for KSP2 2.4.1, and Node Manager 0.7.1?
  17. That shouldn't be the case, it's been a while since I released that UITK version and nobody else (including me) has had that issue. Could you try to replicate the issue and then send the logs? (They're in "Kerbal Space Program 2/Ksp2.log" and "Kerbal Space Program 2/BepInEx/LogOutput.log")
  18. I would definitely recommend joining us in the KSP2 Modding Society Discord server, it's where nearly all modders for KSP2 are!
  19. v1.1.0 The latest version can be installed using CKAN, or downloaded on GitHub and SpaceDock. New life hacks Better Experiments by dmarcuse - Automatically resumes paused experiments when re-entering the correct region, and ignores animation state.
  20. I'm like 99% sure that it shouldn't be related to LFO, at least I can't imagine how it would be, since it doesn't touch any of the stock visual effects, it creates its own completely from scratch.
  21. Not related to ME, but you can just right click on the periapsis marker when it's expanded to pin it to the screen.
  22. The way the addressables system works is that assets are assigned labels, a single asset can have multiple labels (for example, parts have a label of their own name, but all of them also have "parts_data", that way the game can load all parts at once, included ones from mods - they just have to be labeled with "parts_data"). What TextAssetDumper does is that inside TextAssetDumper/dump/text_assets, it creates a folder for every addressable label that contains text assets (which are usually JSON files, even if without an extension). So, if you want to find all the celestial bodies, you can look inside the "celestial_bodies" folder, since that's the common label for them, and that's also what the Patch Manager patch needs to target. Similarly, you can find a folder called GalaxyDefinition_Default in there, which contains the definition of the galaxy, and the orbital parameters of all the celestial bodies in it. So, you'll need to write a patch that specifically targets that label. And to do that, you need to use a @patch statement to tell Patch Manager to include that label: @patch GalaxyDefiniton_Default; Now Patch Manager will include this this label when patching assets. This specific patch is a bit more complicated, because all variables/fields are considered immutable, so you can't just edit some nested value, instead you have to redefine them with a new object. The best way to "edit" an array like CelestialBodies is to use the "map" function from the "builtin:list" library, which is called on all the elements of the array and then returns a new modified version of the array. You can define a closure to pass to the "map" function, like I do with $inclineMinmus in the example below. There we check if the current element has the GUID of Minmus, and if it does, we use another function, "set" from "builtin:dictionary", to replace the values of the object. The inner "set" creates a copy of the OrbitProperties object with the "inclination" field's value set to 45. Then, that copied and modified object is used to create a copy of the "$body" variable, now with its OrbitProperties field set to the previously created object. Passing $inclineMinmus to $value:map(...) will return the CelestialBodies array with Minmus's inclination modified to 45. And last, we use @set to replace the entire value of CelestialBodies with the result of the "map" function. @use 'builtin:list'; @use 'builtin:dictionary'; @patch 'GalaxyDefinition_Default'; $inclineMinmus: @function($body) { @if $body['GUID'] == 'Minmus' { $body: $body:set( 'OrbitProperties', $body['OrbitProperties']:set( 'inclination', 45.0 ) ); } @return $body; }; :json GalaxyDefinition_Default { * > CelestialBodies { @set $value:map($inclineMinmus); } } But yeah, as Cheese said, this is just a temporary solution, she is working on a better one.
  23. You can use the patch in this post as inspiration: The most important part is to first use the @patch directive. It's needed when using the generic json ruleset, so that we don't have to try to patch every single label that exists in the game. And the other thing is that you can only really use the #name syntax with the specialized rulesets, because the generic json one doesn't know where to find the name of a general JSON asset, so you have to get around it by using a condition. I think those two changes should be enough to get your patch working. Edit: Oh and you shouldn't need to use @set for this, since that would replace the contents of the whole file with just the axial tilt.
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