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Kapitalizing Every Word

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Everything posted by Kapitalizing Every Word

  1. Banned because you are wearing a scarf and make me wish it was winter and I could sit down and play KSP all night (summer is good too but I hate the temperature when you can't go to a swimming pool)
  2. Banned because I wanted to ban Melontime and you did it before.
  3. last wednesday I decided that I wanted to do a simple (land and return apollo style) duna mission and started working in it. spoiler alert: it wasn't simple why? I decided that I also wanted to send an orbital station and a rover to "scout" the landing area so my quick 2-4 hs Duna mission turned into a big project and a lot like a LOT happened. First of all I realized that I forgot parachutes on my lander so today I had to de-orbit the lander and bring a new one with parachutes So I had to design a small ship to carry the lander and then dock the lander to my command module. Luckily everything went fine and I docked easily at sunset and decided to keep the tug I used to carry the lander because MOAR FUEL is always a welcome thing and started to prepare for the transfer burn. AND THEN I REALIZED I did put drogue chutes in the bottom of the lander so it would flip on landing which is not a good thing to say the least. So now I have to send another ship with an engineer to fix the lander. At that point I didn't rage quit because I would want to keep playing after and KSP takes like 10 mins to load so I designed a ship and for some reason i couldn't get it to orbit because I suck at designing 1.25 mts rockets. ALT-F4
  4. Oh Im actually in spring [insert axial tilt joke here I guess]
  5. Do you have any graphics mods? most of them don't run in the editor but they do on flight. You should also try modifying the settings to see if any of them is causing those weird issues. Ah yes the best PC cooler
  6. Sad to see the snarkiverse go It was my favourite series ever. But It was fun!
  7. The tilte says it all. Why did you choose your name and current pfp. I chose my name based on a loading screen text homever since I speak spanish the tip was "Kapitalizando toda palabra" wich stands for Kapitalizing every word homever I then found out the loading screen text was putting K in every word. I've been bamboozled And my pfp comes from the "wanna be kerbalized?" thread
  8. the ability to jump with 2 times the force of a normal jump while simultaneously doubling the planet's gravity for you
  9. Sorry for 720p Is the best my monitor can do (aside from 1024p wich conflicts with KSP)
  10. I don't think at all that's a bad thing It will also give you more chances of your computer running KSP 2 and will open the doors to play other games with way better performance so if you have the money go for it.
  11. Banned because I came here to ban for the same reason you wanted to ban
  12. I have a question: can I sumbit wthout BDA or similar? my computer can't handle it but I think I have two planes that could be good. (maybe someone could tell me if they work good with weapons?) The first is my K-99 designed as an air superiority fighter with a top speed of 900 m/s (if you don't get reentry level heating you are not fast enough) It is amazingly manuveurable and has a very quick take off and acceleration so it can somewhat double as an interceptor it could probably carry a lot of missiles since it has very good twr. https://kerbalx.com/KapitalizingEveryWord/K-99 I also have another plane called the KARU-22 mostly designed for reconaissance and intercepting small targets It has a very quick take off making it carrier suitable when you don't have anything better. https://kerbalx.com/KapitalizingEveryWord/KARU-22_2
  13. I know the devs possiblly wont add more planets to the stock system but I think this idea is worth sharing. What if dres was once a moon? Imagine there was a planet in the same orbit of Dres and with Dres orbiting it. Homever one day a proto planet or moon collided with it leaving an enormous and deep crater in it and kicking dres (with its gravity pull) out of its SOI so that it ends up in the same orbit of the sun . This would create a lot of asteroids (like the ones orbiting dres) but also 2 small moons of this planet that was once the home of Dres. One would be formed of the original planet and the other from the proto planet that collided with it. What do you think of this? I got the idea from the snarkiverse mod wich moves Dres to the same orbit that kerbin has. BTW have a great day/night
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