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Everything posted by gussi111

  1. Excited to stran.. - I mean perform many successful missions in the new game, also colonies!
  2. (Around 0:55) "Most of the worlds in KSP 2 come with their own unique sound track". Yes!
  3. Early Access - game is not 100% finished yet and players can give their feedback.
  4. Like I said a month ago when people tried to tell me that if you can run KSP 1 you will run KSP 2 well, they should seriously consider making the game available on GeforceNOW, this would allow thousands of people to be able to play the game on high settings right now (since they offer up to RTX 4080 performance), without spending thousands of dollars.
  5. Oh! I thought It was some kind of a bug when I saw the Kerbal trying to walk on the rocket lol!
  6. This isn't fixable in a week or two mate. Like I sad I do hope that they fix these couple of issues soon.
  7. I like how you told us that the high spec requirements is because you have the big upcoming features in mind but actually it's because you are getting 20fps with a slightly larger rocket on an RTX 4080, I hope this will soon be improved?
  8. Look at how much the FPS dropped when launching a medium sized rocket.
  9. So what would be the recommended GPU for 1080p high? Would a 3060 be enough?
  10. Some people on twitter are claiming that they are seeing fps drops and stuttering in this clip but I can't really see it? Everything looks good to me.
  11. Was this shot shown before? It looks ancient. (from trailer)
  12. Upon closer inspection when looking at the shoreline from orbit it looks... blocky?
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