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Everything posted by gussi111

  1. We already have launch smoke in KSP1 but the KSP2 will look awesome if it looks anything like the trailer.
  2. Wow that is actually very smart! I never thought about that.
  3. Yeah It does work when all players are together, but looking at what other people think, many of them want to independently explore different planets, and so far I can't see how that is going to work mainly because of time warp.
  4. We can agree that the levels of hype are unprecedented!
  5. HYPE !! So they can't just say that the game will have multiplayer, they need to have it mostly functional to get the rating?
  6. Nate said that the last shot where we see clouds is neither Kerbin nor Gurdama, so what could it be? A new planet? Or perhaps it's the eyeball one?
  7. Are those Kerbins clouds in the last shot? I'm simply blown away! Thank you KSP team, you instantly made my day 10x better
  8. My goodness that looks so good! I can't wait to see how this will look like at night, and sunsets too!
  9. I'm just gonna be slapping different engines to a tiny rocket and just look at the eye candy plumes, then I will land somewhere on the grass and timewarp to watch the sunset
  10. Real solar system just won't be in the stock game, they have a ton of work already like figuring out multiplayer, adding features and mechanics to colonies etc, we don't want them pushing back the release date for another year or who knows how long just because a handful of people want real solar system, it just won't happen.
  11. Do we actually know if there will be trees and stuff on Kerbin? We saw it in various screenshots.
  12. For me it comes out at 18:00 CET, just go to show and tell or dev diary section and place cursor over date and you will get the time
  13. It seems that the game will look so incredible that for the first few hours I could only hover with my rocket above KSC and look at the plume or look at the sunsets to feel satisfied.
  14. After thinking for a long time how this could work the only idea that came to my mind where it could function is if all vessels were docked into one or that all players are inside one ship while time warping, but that wouldn't be very fun right? I really can't see how they will implement multiplayer and make it be fun at the same time.
  15. I hope they add something like cables so I don't need to have everything condensed in one spot, for example place solar panels and windmills a little further away to look nicer and then connect with a cable by hand, then you can also make the cable break if an explosion happens next to it so you need to connect it again.
  16. Day 13, am excited for explosions, engine plume effects, SUNSETS, how the Mun will look like in the night sky of Kerbin (hopefully we will see the Mun actually go through "Munar phases" like the Moon), colonies are huge too since it's not anymore just land, do science, plant a flag and that's it, I can't wait to make a small colony on the Mun for 3-4 Kerbals..
  17. Doubt they will die of old age, I think colonies will grow in population depending on how big and advanced a colony is and would at some point stop growing. Or just eat a lot of beans, methane is good too!
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