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Everything posted by Kerb24

  1. I have 742.9 in KSP, But I haven't gone to Moho, Dres, Ike, Jool, Any of the Joolian Moons, and Eeloo.
  2. The Space Shuttle was an unsafe, stupidly designed, devolution from the Saturn rockets.
  3. Sorry I was unclear here. I do think a Scratch like system would be better. My problem with the KAL-9000 is that it's a timeline, not a line of events. (Probably explained very poorly)
  4. The whole having sensors and a more "normal" coding language are things I wish the Breaking Ground DLC had. I see this as a great idea.
  5. Tried to make a space shuttle. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but it is the least controllable thing I have ever flown.
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