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Everything posted by Cilph

  1. The Cilph method is flying straight up and circularizing that way. But yes, once I release the flight computer you can do it by pre-planning nodes and burns. I've been distracted this weekend but I'm planning on releasing it together with kOS integration end of this week at the earliest. I've got kOS flight steering fixed so that it works when disconnected, terminal input no longer fires action groups, and I have the copy command modified to include delay. I just need to go over all of the commands now and polish it up . EDIT: It's not allowing me to delete and merge posts .
  2. I'll add a mouse-over, but I'd prefer if you and everyone else, used this bugtracker.
  3. ModuleManager messing up the order again with foreign mods. On full stock it does it correctly.
  4. Targeting a planet uses a cone of vision instead of a straight connection. Active Vessel means target the currently controlled vessel at any time.
  5. I don't get the cheating with kerbostationary. No, 3 sats won't cover it with omni. Know what will? 4! Even better? 6! ALL GLORY TO THE HEXAGON.
  6. Doesn't seem so bad to me. I never use antennas in early game when I don't even have batteries. Why not recover? Abusing transmissions is going away in 0.23 anyway.
  7. You get it in Flight Control. That's before you even get your first probe core. How is manually deploying the antenna such a pain? It's one click.
  8. I merged the lite branch with the master branch, that should stop some confusion at least.
  9. There is no compiled copy on the github of the main plugin :/.
  10. There is no copy on github, what are you on about. Did you compile by hand or something?
  11. That DeployFxModules is used by the stock animation system as "First module that implements IScalarModule (=ModuleAnimateGeneric)"
  12. Yeah, I figured it out. Due to atmosphere losses my apoapsis dropped to below the set periapsis causing it to keep burning just because.
  13. If someone could help me out here. I'm trying to run this very simple demo script: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5470754/simple.txt It runs fine at first but it never quits the final circularization burn for some reason. It does eventually stop, but I have no idea what it relates to. My periapsis by that time is somewhere 8Gm from the sun.
  14. Repeating for the umpteenth time: send me the persistence file and make sure the dish orbiting the sun is pointing back directly at the KSC satellite.
  15. Looking for some people to test the new Flight Computer and future kOS integration. Hit me up via PM. Won't be sending anything today though.
  16. Not spoken to him yet, but I'll just work on this and put out a Pull Request for the repository. Sorry. On the upside, I just fixed the key blocking glitch where typed spaces and numbers activated action groups instead of being properly blocked.
  17. Roughly. It can follow the node but you need to input the burn command yourself, which can be delayed and done by delta-v.
  18. It's pretty much a SmartASS + burn control. Automatic landing will never happen and has to be done via scripting a la kOS eventually.
  19. Use either a Launch Clamp or the Dipole antenna that starts activated. Anyhow, I bring previews of the flight computer. I dropped in the kOS flight core which in turn was ripped from MechJeb. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eldq1dxq3o2hc2v/screenshot4.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/yubo0w9v48b5sly/screenshot5.png
  20. Oi. With regards to RT2 / kOS compatibility, anyone mind telling me the best way to contact one of the devs?
  21. It does. My best guess is that due to the KSPAddon bug, ModuleManager is never loading and not updating the parts, since all RT related data is kept in those configs. If you activate an RT antenna, it extends. Simple as that.
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