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Everything posted by TheOrbitalMechanic

  1. Frankly, there's so many differing opinions about what the game should be like, everything should probably be togglable in settings.
  2. They're plants, and high-velocity impacts are how they reproduce. It's not dust, it's spores. What's the most popular brand of rocket part on Kerbin?
  3. Take Two counts their fiscal year from April to March, so there's a 9-month window between April and December 2022.
  4. Gurdammit: Crash on Gurdamma In Thrust We Trust: Launch a rocket using every engine in the game Bonk: Land on Donk Watney Kerman: Have a colony inhabited by a single Kerbal
  5. I was figuring that there would be one achievement for orbiting a body, and one for landing (if applicable), plus whatever extras. Fair point. The system I was envisioning works in KSP 1, but in KSP 2, where there will be many more planets... yeah, it might get tedious. Relegating achievements to larger milestones/specific challenges isn't a bad idea. Then again, you'll probably visit most of those planets as you play the game anyway, so maybe it still works? A few more I came up with: Perfectly Balanced: Reach the Lagrange point between Rask and Rusk I Was Lost, But Now I Live Here: Set up a colony anywhere Open The Pod Bay Doors: Design a spacecraft that uses the Kal-1000 Controller Fly, You Fools: Fly from Rask to Rusk or vice versa in *short amount of time* (achievable only by launching straight up when the other one is overhead)
  6. In KSP 1, the achievements you can get usually have some witty name/pun/reference, like "Kerboy BeBop" (land on Bop). What ideas do you all have for achievement names in KSP 2? Here are some I came up with: -Cooper: Play the game for 35 hours -The Watcher: Enter orbit of Puf -Cannot, Will Not, Must Not Interfere: Land on Puf -Never Tell Me The Odds: Fly through a planetary ring with no collisions -Debstep: Visit the DebDeb system -Toasty: Enter orbit of Charr -Carbonized: Land on Charr -Here Am I Floating In My Tin Can: Send a Kerbal to High Kerbin Orbit -Trees!: Enter orbit of Lapat (not an officially revealed planet, was briefly shown in a feature video) -Lapat Yourself On The Back: Land on Lapat
  7. Heavenly Bodies just came out in the last few weeks. It's like a 2d spacewalking game, where you use the joysticks to control your astronaut's arms and move around the spaceship. There's also puzzles to solve, tasks to complete, etc. It's definitely fun, and pretty challenging at times, but also kind of short. Overall, would recommend, though.
  8. It didn't. We should have a show and tell tomorrow, though!
  9. Terrified me the first time I heard it in the game, but it's also super catchy.
  10. I hope so! When they were shooting for a Spring 2020 release, they had the trailer in August at Gamescom, and then a pretty serious marketing campaign until like November (when it first got delayed), so it's not out of the question that the Game Awards could mark the beginning of Marketing Pt. IITM.
  11. I think we're still a week out from anything new, based on past release patterns.
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