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Everything posted by Ande

  1. @Rutabaga22 can you tell me the model number of your ps4 please? instructions https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/ps4-find-serial-and-model-numbers/#:~:text=The model number is located,the bottom of the chassis. I had a crash earlier today when I tested. I got about an hour of play and then tried to load a save and it crashed.. loaded and said data corrupt and then rebuilt it and recovered to where I was... So I think there's something in the way it's storing to hard disk on saves, could be your issue with the missing parts is when it's trying to autosave. ... I think this is the problem. I'd love to turn off autosave but it's hard coded.
  2. If I send you my save file it might prove one way or the other
  3. Yeh true. i play Cities Skylines and that is a monster graphics wise. It causes the ps4 to go very loud, but I've never once had a crash from it. What is the blue screen error you get? Is it the generic C-0xxxxxx error? Basically roughly translated to, "something went wrong but the program has not been designed to tell me anything else" Hey Rutabaga, can you please post some information about your setup. It looks to me like you in fact may hold the key. If you seriously don't get any crashes in this game then we need to know why.... Cus actually you are in the minority it seems
  4. https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/ps4-find-serial-and-model-numbers/#:~:text=The model number is located,the bottom of the chassis. Please post, - which console do you guys have? - What issues / errors do you see? Frequency... Tech tree level, planets visited...and anything else you feel is relevant.
  5. Yeh I am totally on the same thought process. I'm going to ask Santa for a SSD or buy a second hand ps4 (newer version)... Or even a ps5 ( as not a soul seems to report issues on that platform either) Another thing to say, I have also experienced the same class of ps4 blue screen error once or twice from BBC iPlayer and prime video once... So this does leave me to also think it's something outside of the game code itself.
  6. Yeh I am totally on the same thought process. I'm going to ask Santa for a SSD or buy a second hand ps4 (newer version)... Or even a ps5 ( as not a sole seems to report issues on that platform either)
  7. Hey aero and fellow ps4 goers .. sorry I've been away a while. Like you aero I got bored of the constant crashing and reverted to buying on steam on my old gaming laptop. I personally really prefer KSP on console, but it was never ever designed for it. KSP 2 will undoubtedly be a better game I disagree with the earlier comments here. But what we need to realise is that the dev team on ps4 enhanced edition is a skeleton crew and likely will get our update but by the time KSP2 is on early access on PC. Ive done a fair amount of logging bugs, never got any official responses and tracking the issues on the game and even gave the Devs access to this tracker. I suggested I would be happy to install monitoring for them if they wanted and no response. I've come to the conclusion that there is a point in any career where the game simply gives up. If you start a new career it is highly likely you will get 5 hours gameplay without a single crash. The official support narrative was to flash my ps4 and reinstall everything, and I did that .. started my old save (yes I worked out how to get it saved to a usb stick) and still got the same crash frequency. I then started a new career and played it until about level 4 on the tech tree, i.e about the time of visiting eve and jool with small probes... And this is when I believe you start seeing problems start. I destroyed all my asteroid mappers in the off chance it was this causing the crashes when switching to the map, alas no dice. The support guys frankly weren't interested, and said that they themselves play the game fine without issue. So, as had been suggested I believe there is a common similarity with those of us that get the issues and those that don't. So, if those that don't get the issues are in long careers past level 4 and have presence around several kerbol bodies then the only possiblity comes down to a technical difference between our consoles. Fyi... It should be noted that there has been next to no reports of issues on the Xbox... Which kinda validates the conclusion. So, I'm going to suggest that we all share our ps4 stats, I believe that older ps4 PRO models may be the centre of the problem... That's my hunch. I'll document them all if we can all share? It should be noted that irrespective of the update coming, this game is and has been simply brilliant, I am excited for KSP 2 as it has been developed in a much more controlled way and looks so good. Let's face it KSP was only ever a bit of a throw of mud at the wall to see what stuck. Lastly, as this issue is highly likely to be hardware based we must appreciate there will be no amount of updates that the development team could do to remove the problem. Hence, in the end I have given up... Leaving Jeb forever on Eve in a tiny can waiting indefinitely for noone to come rescue him.... That all said and done... I think I want to have a go tonight and see how long I get I'll update. Are you guys all on slack? I feel we could maybe get together on a slack channel to track our issues. You up for this? Re. Corrupt data, should always be recovered back to the last persistent save in my experience. There was only ever one time that it couldn't recover my save file, and I think this was more to do with the fact it was a save game before the previous update.
  8. Yea, whenever you go to launch, always go to the hanger first and then 'load craft' to check if there's an autosave ship. If there is delete it. Now when you launch you will not have the issue. Personally I think the autosaves in KSP are what cause all the problems. Trouble is on consoles no way to turn it off. I would prefer not to have that and rely on my manual saves.
  9. Managed 30 mins last night on my career mode, there is just no pattern to the constant crashes. Last night it was just when I was in map screen around minmus... Nothing graphically taxing. I've pretty much destroyed all my stations and craft out there in the solar system, I've removed my asteroid sat thinking that might be oberclocking the GPU. It's so frustrating, it would be more bearable if game also was quick to reload but it's not and I just can't be arsed now... Where is this bloody update that we were told was in development? Why no updates on its status? I don't even care about KSP 2 at this stage, just want a playable game!!!
  10. Start a new career, kiss goodbye to the old one I'm afraid.
  11. So do you no longer own the game? Or did they refund you and let you keep it? Ive just spent an hour in game building a new ship and went to launch from the mum site and crashed to blue screen again. I love the game but it is literally unplayable. I did all those reinstall and flash the ps4 aswell year ago and it did jack all.
  12. 2 hours of play, loads of hohmann transfers , switching vessels, docking with large space station and manuevours around it, I was loving life and then a random hang when switching on my RCS thrusters and of course the inivitable crash to blue screen. I am really losing the fight in me to ignore the impact of these crashes. I literally have wasted hours due to the poor quality of this game. Surely we can't be expected to put up with it until KSP2 is out???
  13. No I mean, now there is a delay with kspw until next year, I'll be proper annoyed if enhanced edition doesn't get some fixes . Ive just had 3 blue screens in 30 mins trying to get a Moho mission landed back on kerbin with aerobraking. It's seriously awful. No attempts to debug the issue either, all my bug trackers go unanswered. I guess this means that they know there are serious problems and so by staying quiet they can simple hope I shut up and go away... Well... I'm annoying like that. I'll keep posting until someone responds with an attempt to debug the issues or track the errors. Finally landed the Moho return, quicksaved on landing, went to recover vessel blue screen crash... Reload game... Save corrupted. Thanks 'Enhanced' edition. On a serious note, would PlayStation not have terms that allow me to recover my money for this game based on the volume of bugs?
  14. 4 crashes to blue screen tonight in 3 hours of gameplay. Always when trying to jump back to the KSC or switch craft. That's a joke. I've never played a console game that's so riddled with crashes, trouble is I enjoy the game so I keep on reloading and hoping for the best. The bug tracker is a waste of time, noone looks at it. Now we have to wait another year for KSP 2 I would hope that you update to fix the stability issues and crashing. No excuse why we can't expect to see more frequent updates again now that we have to wait for the new game in 2023!
  15. Now I've got quite a complex space agency, with multiple ships floating around and needing to jump around a lot, I really do come across this every day I play, once am hour pretty much. I've played for 2 hours tonight, 1st blue screen crash was when trying to reload a quicksave as eve blew me up during aerocapture 2nd was then when doing my aerocaptures I then went to place a manuever node and map completely froze, eventually hitting the usual ce-34878-0 error. I think the most bothering thing about it is the random nature, if it was in certain place or known to be caused by some combination of events I could deal with it. All the support for the enhanced edition has been lost, and the fact is that they really aren't bothered about diagnosing the cause of the issues. If there were we would have been asked to run debuggers to help them identify the cause. Re. Your point, yes. Games manufacturers these days use different methods to old computer software development. Newer principles mean that work is done much more effectively. I support that. If they didn't then KSP would frankly never exist. But the simple lack of support or any real explanation of what is causing the crashes is not right. The game clearly has big problems despite what the publishers say (they responded to me last year on this subject saying none of their team get anywhere like the volume I get) . There is a slim possibility it could be my ps4 itself, but highly unlikely when you look at the volume of complaints around this. I am going to try deleting my astroid scan sat and see if that impacts, but it's a needle in a haystack without any debugger being supplied by development.
  16. I always found this makes sense tbf, I think the biggest frustration with RCS control on console is being able to toggle quickly from linear to radial thrusting. I tend to use the docking mode to manually flip this mode as required. Pain in the backside.
  17. @stfuyfc sorry late in reply, the reason it does this is due to the BL""Dy autosave. I suspect that this happened to you after reverting to the VAB from a flight? Basically get into the habit of when going to the VAB, hit open and delete the autosave. When you think it's forgotten your changes it hasn't, it's just trying to load the autosave and not your new craft. Hope that clarifies. For me it's like a reflex now, open and delete autosave...
  18. @TokiGlassBlower I think it might be connected to the leveling up of the tracking station to comets and astroid tracking mate... Just a gut feel on experience, need to do some tests of this theory but I think with all the additional objects it tracks in the background it's likely spiking the memory. This is why it possibly seems quite random in nature, and why when switching around areas in the game it crashes as it's unable to cope.
  19. I'm fed up of the constant interruption of the autosave, and frankly I never need to recover from a persistent save so I would prefer to turn it off to enhance my game experience. Ps4 player. Searched everywhere and doesnt appear to be a way to disable this, I find it incredibly frustrating.
  20. All kerbals have to be on level 2 I think and you need to upgrade your KSC, I think it's the astronaut complex. All kerbals have to be on level 2 I think and you need to upgrade your KSC, I think it's the astronaut complex.
  21. Sounds like a PS. Don't understand why OP got this issue tho, as no detail to explain the build. I've had this a few times on higher stages but never on launch. Sounds to me as though the throttle wasn't maxed out, unless it was and SRB in which case I've not a clue.
  22. Hey mate, feel your pain. Some questions for you, as I've been trying to piece it together on my own experience. Console? Ps4? Which type? I.e newer model or original? Can usually tell by the HDD size I believe. When did you install the game? Is this during career? Did this career start prior to the previous ksp update? Save games over versions are a no go for this game, the support team essentially admitted this to me when I contacted followimg a blue screen crash and loss of save. I had reset my whole ps4 and reinstalled the game now to no real affect. Although it seemed more performant. When did you notice increase in errors? I.e can you recall if this started when you visited eve or Duna for the first time, or hit the tier 4/5 level? My current view is that the introduction of the asteroid tracking when I upgraded the tracking station might be the problem area, in that ps4 memory having to work overtime to map out the tracking of the objects... So causes memory spikes. Where do you tend to get the errors? For me, look on the bug tracker and you will see I've been spamming them with my various types, Typically when returning to KSC or tracking station from flight, but also during craft build in VAB. What is the error code you see? Mines always CE-34878-0. Usually it is able to recover the save but one time it was completely courrupted for me and I lost a whole career. To avoid this, if you are a ps+ then save your game files using the cloud storage. If not, like me, get a decent usb drive and use the ps4 s in built 'application save data management' to save your career to the usb once or twice a month as a fall back.
  23. I just got into the habit of using an experiment storage on the nose of the craft clipped down so it's just peaking out the top. Then I place the parachutes on its side and a jnr docking port on top. (Altho obviously this could be the simple cone parachute if you wanted). When I do science missions I can just then run all experiments and then select the experiment storage and say "collect all"... The storage being at the top keeps all that sweet science is then safe and sound. I just got into the habit of using an experiment storage on the nose of the craft clipped down so it's just peaking out the top. Then I place the parachutes on its side and a jnr docking port on top. (Altho obviously this could be the simple cone parachute if you wanted). When I do science missions I can just then run all experiments and then select the experiment storage and say "collect all"... The storage being at the top keeps all that sweet science is then safe and sound.
  24. Look forward to this. If possible could we get some kind of debugger included for those of us who can't play it for 2hours without bluescreen crashes? That way we can help you to work out the cause, it's the random nature of the crashes that destroy the enjoyment Still, fantastic news about update this year. Based on the lack of timeline, this feels like an end of year target which is fine. Just be nice to know that plan.
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