If you the op is anything like me I'm also noticing a lot more crashing back to PS4 bluescreens and rather than start another thread I'll just add my experiences here
- PS4 software version 9.00
- ksp enhanced edition latest version
- play on default controls, with the advanced tweekables on
-career mode only, no other game saves
- in game quicksaves max 5. Maintained
- stock example ships are turned on
My experience is predominantly if I'm going from vab to launch or vab to KSC, or from flight reload to vab or KSC. Something's going from to the tracking centre.
Intermittent during the loading phase, it slows down and then sound goes and I'm crashed to a PS4 blue screen. Sometimes when reloading it says there was a corruption and tries to recover it, majority of time it works, once I couldn't recover and lost 100s hours worth of effort.
Now, it's difficult to pin a reason on this - i would suggest it's memory leaks due to the nature of the crashes, but this in part my own personal advancement in the game rather than any recent updates... am building more and more complex craft as I improve and I'm into year 13 with near final tech tree so maybe it's more expected to fall over? When I was a beginner maybe less likely to error this way and so I perceive there are more errors than ever.
Trouble is it is soul destroying, ksp is not a game that you pick up and put down, we spend hours on building things... If it wasn't for a very timely save just now I would have lost 2hours design work. So I can understand the ops pov.
The simplest way to help us ps4 players is enable a Copy 'Game save' option in the load save menu. Having this would mean we could backup our precious saves and recover them easily, then I'd probably be less on edge playing. I know there are ps+ save options but I'm not ps+ and nor should I have to sign up for it to deal with something that really based on its unstable nature should be in the enhanced edition. Surely this isn't too much to ask?