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  1. Could you add a shortcut to open and close the solar panels and another one for the antennas?
  2. Can someome send me a Pic of a planetary view of this coordinates? How do you get the coordinates?
  3. In ksp 1 the anomalies could be found with appropriate modules. How can this be done in Ksp 2? Should I explore a little at random?
  4. I'm excited about all the things KSP 2 will make me do that I actually won't be able to do in real life, that's KSP 2's major strength!
  5. Amico mio, i tempi cambiano e la tecnologia pure, mi spiace dirtelo ma il tuo pc è un po' vecchiotto. l'SSD è veloce si, ma se il processore che non riesce a stargli dietro è un po' inutile, inoltre tutti gli asset vengono caricati nella memoria della scheda video che è un po' vecchiotta e questo di sicuro contribuisce alla lentezza del tutto. I bug ci sono sempre stati, e da quando hanno annunciato KSP 2, per ovvie ragioni, hanno spostato l'attenzione su quello, lasciando KSP 1 un po' in balia del suo destino (parliamo comunque di un gioco uscito nel 2011 in cui più che fix, ha subito tante patch).
  6. Guys -14 days, only 2 weeks. And my family will never see me again
  7. Could you give me a reference image just to understand the shape of the reactor?
  8. I was watching the latest feature video and i noticed these two engines that i am not familiar with. does anyone know what it is? I'm not sure if the first one below is actually a particular type, but I noticed a different exhaust jet from the 4 engines next to it This i think is a nuclear engine, but it has an unusual shape for any engine, and i doubt it is some sort of nuclear Aero Spike
  9. Honestly multiplayer was the least feature I expected, but I can understand the hype, however I guess it's better to have a full game and then add multiplayer, rather than starting from multiplayer, also because if the basic features don't work, they can be fixed, but having to fix those + multiplayer requires more manpower. Without considering that most likely, as in KSP 1, every time there is a major update, a sort of "Wipe" will occur, forcing players to restart the game due to incompatible saves. I hope I'm wrong of course, but this possibility exists.
  10. Well, 126 days on the way, but, not counting sleep hours, only 2/3 day ahah
  11. Theoretically outside the SOI, there is still an influence derived from the center of the galaxy, however it is so small that it will not affect a hypothetical space station between two planetary systems. Who knows, maybe we will also have a rogue planet!
  12. Another alternative could be to make a time warp only on the path and not on the position of the planets, a sort of "speed warp", but the planets remain in the same place. So anyone can travel fast without worrying about what would happen if I revert to VAB after an hour of play. Imagine if the other players had to go back an hour just because someone missed a Tylo landing or something else.
  13. Let's say that there is a fair chance that a video will be released at the end of the month, now a year has passed since the feature video 4 has been released and 6 months from episode 5, so....
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