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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. The problem, as I said, is that this is an issue on several different ships I have designed. I'll be able to get you some pictures later today. I'm pretty sure the issue is either TWR or drag, though. Why else would a ship use 500 m/s more than expected on kerbin ascent?
  2. 3094 @Kerb24 We need more people. Maybe start rallying those from the number war?
  3. 3080 Counting once per minute, over a long time we could count very high! @Kerb24 we should start mentioning eachother again.
  4. Dunno what happened earlier, reloaded the page and it was all fine. 3070
  5. I'd prefer at least 200 or 300 m/s for docking then. As for low TWR, what it means is that: 1. if I try to launch vertically with a standard gravity turn, it takes a lot of time to build up vertical speed - during all that time gravity is pulling down and costing delta-v. 2. If I use my plane ascent profile, I lose slightly more delta-V to drag. However, I cans till get going quickly as the wings help provide lift to keep the SSTO in the air, while the engines provide half vertical and half horizontal thrust. 3. TWR is really only an issue during the earliest parts of the ascent, as when the craft burns off its fuel it becomes much lighter. As for wing placement, the center of lift is where it should be on a good plane. It's slightly below the center of mass so the wings can sort of shield the fuselage, but the plane flies well. The plane is balanced so that the center of mass does not shift when fuel drains, like a jet SSTO, and there is enough wing area to not be too much of a brick. A fighter jet it is not, however.
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