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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. Someone superglued in the RAM sticks and you can't take them out. I attempt to use acetone to remove the RAM sticks for replacement.
  2. I'm having slight issues with survey-constructed ships with launchclamps spawning too high for drills to reach the ground. Any suggestions?
  3. 2951 @Kerb24 I'll have to go AFK now, stop mentioning me.
  4. 2945 Should we start mentioning eachother for faster counting?
  5. So, you're calling off the KFS mothership and SunkWorks then?
  6. Check the folder arrangement: GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/<LotsOfStuff>
  7. Even if you don't know how to use the forum polls, take a look at Google Forms. Oh, and what do you think of a ramp or stairs? No ladder weirdness at all.
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