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Everything posted by kerbalcommander563

  1. I remove the trash and create a rocket with it that sends you to space. My hill.
  2. It's amazing how Eve is somehow rotating apples faster than the
  3. Seoul(South Korea)(both the capital and country start with S. That honestly was completely unintentional)
  4. Granted. It updates but your PC can't run it. I wish for KSP2 didn't become a dead game.
  5. 6/10 I've seen you before, but not too often.
  6. Behold... THE GIFT WRAPPING INATOR. Just press a single button, and it wraps a gift up for you. Next: an inator to revive dead games.
  7. Calling 911 because you want to build a rocket.
  8. Minecraft. If I can respawn, phew. If not, then I'm probably pretty screwed.(I'm not great and I die a lot in it.)
  9. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who decided
  10. Banned for banning someone who banned people with the return of the forums.
  11. Granted. You don't go through it again, but the memory of it is stuck in your head, always creeping up on you and random moments. I wish for everyone to be immortal.
  12. I just guess it won't have a tail then.('lore' wise it will be a comet.(There is no actual lore really, it will be more a thing in the description.))
  13. This is a mod that will change and also add on to the stock system to make it feel slightly more like our solar system, yet still hopefully fit in with stock(somewhat). Planned System Map(will most likely change)( Some moons will be stated, just not all): I will post progress right here.
  14. Karkua swallows Jool no problem, and Jool is squeezed into nothingness. Rock-Paper-Scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  15. Banned for wanting to round off outrageous decimals.
  16. Banned for random numbers and scratching your chin
  17. Granted. You get a universal penny I wish for ksp2 to not have been cancelled
  18. The Golden Armada demolishes all aircraft of the Osean Air Defence Force’s elite clandestine fighter division due to their more advance technology. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  19. did you lose your rye bread in your soup? Waiter! there's a star system in my soup!
  20. Granted.You watch tv and escape reality to end up in the middle of a void. I wish to make a kopernicus planet in real life.
  21. Granted. It is so heavy, it crushes the earth. I wish for KSP2 to run extremely well.
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