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namreK haidebeJ

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    Transferring Hohmann
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    Low Kerbin Orbit
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  1. No you don't but the planets will look like the stock ones (no atmosphere or clouds, flat oceans)
  2. How to get clouds + atmospheres with RSS? Installing this mod with RSS prevents EVE/scatterer from working
  3. Drop the mod files into the GameData folder of your KSP install. If you want any other mods, it's usually the same, but certain ones may require you to drop them in the root folder.
  4. I'm exited for multiplayer. If BDArmory returns, the battles will be legendary!
  5. Hey! Is this working with RSS/is there a config for it yet? I tried it when 2.0 was first released but it didn't work and I haven't tried since.
  6. Are there any plans for spherical habitats?
  7. May I ask what mod those Star Trek-like nacelles are from?
  8. Hi, I can't seem to get visuals to work properly. I made an issue on Github here with a link to logs and a screenshot of GameData.
  9. The Planetside rover was also based off of the real life SEV, although the surface variant of the SEV looked more like the Karibou from MKS. I think there was also one with an open cab and a separate pressurized area, or the cabin of the surface one could be removed, something like that. In the past I have mashed Buffalo parts with the PET rover (not the prettiest crafts, hehe) and through part clipping they can be forced to equal height.
  10. I tried it with RSS and the Kcalbeloh system didn't load. It's like Kopernicus didn't even see it in the GameData folder. Here's my logs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uN_MQVfIyi7o3SAhZFYtasYx31uJhLmJ?usp=sharing I'm also trying to get EVO to play nice with Spectra but no luck.
  11. I freed up around 10GB on my disk, and so far no crashes. I'll push the game to its limits and see what happens.
  12. My memory usage is the same as usual (~19GB/31.8GB, 150 mods+RSS) but my disk space is very low, I'll tidy up my disk.
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