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Everything posted by Watermel00n

  1. The crew got tired Going to duna on a ssto spaceplane
  2. They survived in the past, now their dead I wish that no one else's wish is corrupted
  3. Chapter 14: Flight of the Dynamic Year 1 Day 134 Elcano Update: Year 1 Day 135 Before long, the 'Rhino' engines had been thoroughly tested on Kerbin and it was finally time for a suborbital flight... Wernher: This is the worst looking thing I've ever seen! Gene: If it works, it works. John: We just need someone brave enough to fly that... thing. Dehat: What thing? Is it fun? I want to go! Gene: We have our victim! Later... Dehat: This is a strange simulator. Hmm, the doors are faulty. Anyways, what does this button do? Dehat: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP! Gene: Sorry, can't hear you. Dehat: WHATS HAPPENING? Me: this would make a nice screensaver. The other 859 pictures: no. Wernher: Engine cutoff! Dehat, how do you feel Linus: She appears have fainted. Wernher: DEHAT WAKE UP YOUR GOING TO DIE Bobak: Well, we could use the same program we used to open the solar panels automatically for the seperator on the escape pod. *BANG* Dehat: Ow, my head hurts. Where am I? Gene: well... nothing. Dehat: Ya sure? I just heard a big splash. Wernher: I don't think launching the largest space vessel created by Kerbalkind towards the second largest city on Kerbin was a very good idea... Back at the KSC The Imagination Type 1X was constructed as the third Type 1X. It was out-fitted with two grabbers and a large docking port. It is shown grabbing the Static (top)
  4. Sure. You are right, but until we have a working linbol release, this will be the most we have. Before posting this, linbol did not work and I attempted to fix it but failed. Surprisingly, moving the bodies closer to kerbol fixed the issues, and this is what came out.
  5. Im not sure... I might put you as a level 3 because TAC is harder, although it lacks the homesickness factor.
  6. I don't know what that is Mission to crash into to the surface of kerbin, killing all kerbals onboard
  7. Does that mean that if i leave 2 landing struts detached by eva construction, im disqualified? I got into an accident where the middle section of the car was broken and i had to eva repair it but the landing struts were in the way and i couldnt attach it, so i threw them off.
  8. 60 minutes left of using the computer on the wall, 60 minutes left of using the computer, Write this... 59 minutes left of using the computer on the wall!
  9. Chapter 13: The Plan Year 1 Day 129 Elcano update: In the underground complex underneath the KSC, 9 kerbals sat at a white table. Actually, 8 but that's beside the point... John: Thank you all for arriving on time. Now let us start. John: As you all know, kerbalkind has had several near misses over the years... Gene: Year 2 Day 40 Class B! Linus: Year 5 Day 167 Class D! John: Calm down... We have a plan. Wernher here has developed systems for blowing up asteroids! Wernher: I have? John: Yes, the super laser pointer. Can you tell us how it works? Wernher: So it's like this laser pointer here, but bigger. Much, MUCH bigger! Jeb: That's so kerbal!!! MOAR LASERSS!!!1 Gene: Jeb, please quiet before I turn off the video call from the station! Jeb: ... John: Besides, if we don't destroy the asteroid, we can always do plan B. Jeb: What's that? John: The Kerbal Emergency Evacuation Vehicle Gus: John recently asked me to build a little something... Linus: Wow, that can take 164 kerbals to space! Wernher: We don't have the launch systems to take that to space... Siggel: But what about the ISRU? Mortimer: I agree. It should have a passenger module and a larger cargo bay like the space shuttle, Siggel should know. Wernher: Jack of all trades, master of none, it'll be more efficient if we just carry one. Siggel: I haven't been flying shuttles for 15 years already... Walt: You could make a movie of it launch, our rep would skyrocket. John: There will be many types of KEEVs. The ship in the SPH is the Type 1X, which is a crew vehicle. X means experimental. John: We first have to test it, so don't count your eggs before they hatch. As you know, the government is getting suspicious of our activities at the desert compound. So keep vigilant. Year 1 Day 130 Lefel Kerman sat in the right MK2 cockpit of the Type 1X KEEV 'Static'. Lefel: I'm underqualified for this! Lefel: This handles well offroad... Lefel: Airtime! Gene: Stop messing around, you might break it. Lefel: Sorry. With a successful test of the KEEV Type 1X, the KSC ramps up its factories for more...
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