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Everything posted by Watermel00n

  1. Did the monolith steal the engine?
  2. nowhere near TUBM is on the forums
  3. Chapter 12: Intercept Year 1 Day 129 Elcano Update: ---------------------------------------- [Type: Recon Mission Log] [Location: Great Desert] [Anomalies: 1] "Above the KSP's Desert Launch Site, I detected high amounts of radioactive gases and heat coming from the launch pad. The incident only lasted 10 seconds and I am unhurt" - Pilot Alex Kerman [Class: Insufficient Data] ---------------------------------------- Deep in the underground complex underneath the KSC, six kerbals sat in a circle around the intercepted report. "The government's seen us. They will know what we're doing soon." "It's a matter of time. They will shut us down." "We've gotten too much progress to stop now! We have all we need." "Wernher's right. We can't stop now. Project Beakon will continue."
  4. This is such an inspirational story! Re reading it again!
  5. Sorry for the long wait becaus3 ive been working on a new mod. Coming soon!
  6. It never gave you up Rick Roll hill
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