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Everything posted by lammatt

  1. ask yourself this, why are you using skipper after leaving the atmosphere, if you managed to answer this, u will be able to make your ship a lot lighter and capable of going a lot further
  2. it is not a factor of four you reduce each dimension by a factor of four and you have 2 dimensions here it's a factor of 16.
  3. actually a jool system flyby is very manageable with the first parts. (to maintain a stable ascend is the only hard part, and the returning is not guaranteed)
  4. i did a Jool system probe, and transmit a couple times of everything i got, and it gave me like ~2000science but then one land-and-return from Mun gives me 500ish
  5. since there are so many biomes on Mun. ---- or, flying by the moons of Jool faster?
  6. probably some secretion from the kerbal exocrine glands.. maybe semen, maybe snot, maybe sweat, who knows.
  7. while, yes, i do appreciate their good work making this game, but no i dont think we owe them anything. we paid them what they asked for but they havent delivered everything they promised yet. (while i think the game is already worth more than their set price, $23 is a bit too low for this fascinating game)
  8. land and return from anything gives you more than 500 for closer planets. havent been to many things yet, just Mun, Minmus, Ike flyingby to further things gives quite a few hundreds too. did a tylo flyby, got ~600
  9. TB played Terraria with Jesse Cox for 70+ episode and is doing another season now after the release of 1.2
  10. money systems? i dont think space station is a way to make money; it's a way to burn money instead. communication satellites are what makes money. TV transmission
  11. why did every one mention Kurtjmac and Lewis(yogcast) but no one said TotalBiscuit i think totalbiscuit has way more subcribers and should have reached a lot more people.
  12. SAS and ASAS werent displaying anything anyways if you recall. and when they had the tank on the list, they had the engines there as well while the engine is showing nothing meaningful anyways.
  13. did you ask why SAS and ASAS were on the list before? and did you ask why the tank was on it too?
  14. chutes cut itself when your vertical velocity changes sign. - you have your chute opened in a descend, and you throw in an upward thrust which stops the descend and make your craft ascending instead, you chute will cut itself
  15. so engineering redux is tier 1... o well, this is so wrong. it should be a lot further down the road of rocketry branch...
  16. there's nothing oher than the surface samples are worth returning indeed, transmissions are bascally free after u get your first solar panel, the diminishing return and the transmission loss are underpowered.
  17. furl duct IS hard if you understand anything about fluid dynamics
  18. do you know there is a calc.exe in your windows?
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