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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. A click from the afternoon here
  2. Banned for putting an incorrect parenthesis ) instaed of (.
  3. cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
  4. floppy drives goes click click click
  5. Banned because Phobos is a lie. It's just one of the potatoes of Mark Watney.
  6. click click click!!! I guess this thread will open again around christmas.
  7. Analysis of my pfp shows: ==> + + That means it has plenty of blue, some green, but [almost] no red. Your pfp is mostly [ red | orange | a bit of blue]. Since the atmosphere lets the blue-like colors go through it easier than the red-like colors, it allows my pfp to go through it easier than yours. I won. (made with GIMP)
  8. Banned for adding the "new page" text after your timestamp.
  9. True story :D I have even installed Linux on one of the school's computers last year, and nobody noticed...
  10. Yes. Test of nested quotes (using one of my quotes) [75 quotes nested. Don't open them! If they look really bad, I'll edit this post.]: [snipped roughly 75 layers of nested quotes] Whoa some quotes are missing! (sorry sorry sorry)
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