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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Linux: *friendly* User: for file in * ; do touch "$file" ; done As safe as Windows system.
  2. Just checked, all the results before "irrigation system" are image-less (?)
  3. My ideas for Horrible mode: get as much Science! as possible with the start node, and then unlock : Engineering 101 -> Survivability -> either Basic Science or Flight Control as they both contain command pods. As soon as possible, get docking ports, and make reusable ships.
  4. When you use 32 ANSI escape sequences in your bash prompt.
  5. Because 0 is the inverse of fun. Therefore, n/0 = n * (1/0) = n * 0-1 = n * (fun-1)-1 = n * fun. Why is 00 undefined?
  6. I have green too: ==> + + 9/10, nice but the JWST picture is too common
  7. Yey Minetest! I think (think) I know too much about hyperbolic geometry in video games.
  8. 41 firebolt spells in the mage's head, 41 firebolt spells. Use one of them, fry some fries, 40 firebolt spells in the mage's head.
  9. 44 bottles of dwarven beer on the wall, 44 bottles of dwarven beer. Take one down, pass it around, 43 bottles of dwarven beer on the wall.
  10. You'll have to wait a few days -- I haven't done anything related to that SSTV signal for the last 2 (or 3?) weeks, tomorrow (I hope, if homework don't take me all the day) I will try to get 0.22 from Steam. Then, build a ship Launch it Wait to be somewhere near 10,000 Pm Record the whole thing without music If there's any SSTV, decode it using qsstv. Plenty of things to do.
  11. Update coming (within the next week I hope)! (Mostly because the TOTM nov. 2022 reminded me of this experiment.) This time, with a better keyboard :) I won't use my computer's default OS this time (Ubuntu 22.04.1 with KDE). I will create a boot key (Linux obviously) and will do anything that has to do with that SSTV signal (if it exists) on it, so that if KSP writes any value on the HD it won't be saved when I reboot the computer. I have searched a bit on the forums, and there is a 78.29% chance I have found a working way of getting KSP 0.22 via Steam. More on that later, when I'll have tried. So I will (I hope) have two factors that will (I hope, again) increase the odds of that SSTV signal (if there's one) being played: no file persistence and early 2014 KSP version. Any recording will obviously be saved on an external storage device, for persistence reasons. If a SSTV signal is recorded, it will be decoded with qsstv (thanks @tajwo!) and the picture will be posted in this thread. I am also going to make a precise log of what happens ( [1:12:57.0215] Ion shutdown and the like ). More on this thread later! (I hope)
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