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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I totally agree! They've suddenly lost half their bug reports But it's in 4 months, we can knock wood, maybe there'll be a Linux early access...
  2. Me too! One thing to say: Given what I've read on the forums the last few month, about half the KSP community uses either Mac or Linux. If the early access is for Windows only, then half of the KSP community (or so) won't be able to get access to early access, which is quite sad... And why only Windows?
  3. Ike Rover (rocket less than 25 parts) The rover has 13 parts: 1 RG, 1 small RW, 1 external seat, 2 solar panels, 4 wheels, a probe core, 2 batteries, 1 grip pad. The rocket itself has 25 parts (including fuel lines). And that's it! Rover deployed on Ike, with a rocket that has no more than 25 parts, in one launch. I had three extra kilometers per second of DeltaV left. May I get another spin? Same as before, complete stock, normal difficulty.
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