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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I copied the files from a Linux Mint usb bootable key to a FAT32 partition on the computer so that I can boot on the partition as a Linux Mint Live system, and then use it to install the system on the hard disk (as my computer can't boot from usb, only from the hard disk). Currently from Linux Mint on the computer! Installation worked. Now all that's left to do is to get the sound stuff working. Oh and, by the way... N 8
  2. I'll try to find it!! There is a thread on the forum: EDIT: Seems to be true! And more info here:
  3. Well, the scientific name of rutabagas is Brassica napus. Let's say, Ruta's bag 23
  4. When you know how to code in COW, in Tellurium or in Unispace. (or Malbolge)
  5. I saw this You should've put ShuttlePilot
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