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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I added links in the OP; the Duna SSTV signal is a SSTV signal that plays when something touches the top of a pyramid in the southern hemisphere of Duna and, when decoded, shows a picture. This was part of KSP's aborted storyline. I searched a bit on the forums some time ago for this signal, and found that "SSTV signal at 10,000 Pm" thread. I thought it would be great to try to find it, as it has only been reported once and we don't have any recordings of it. I will do all I can to record it, if it happens, and, if I record something, I'll decode it to see if it's a new SSTV signal, or if it is just the one from Duna. If it is a new one, then the aborted storyline maybe isn't as aborted as it seems. (oh and, by the way, the engine has eathen two-thirds of the stage's fuel, and has a velocity of 30 632 m/s)
  2. Stage nearly out of Xenon. Side tanks pair 1 discarded. Remaining DeltaV: 22 760 m/s Current velocity: 25 750 m/s
  3. Side ions separated. Current speed: 20 192 m/s Next stage in: 12 604 s. Thrust: 1 kN Alert! Electricity is draining Setting throttle to 50%... Done. Waiting until next stage.
  4. Passed Minmus orbit. Current speed: 12 300 m/s Xenon reserves: 92%
  5. Wait aborted. Ion engines startup... Done. 4x Phys-warp engaged. Xenon reserves: 100% Out of electricity! Wait for RTG to work. Setting throttle to 25% to avoid electricity lack... Done. Passed Mun orbit. Remaining burn time: 11.5 hours (in game). 3 hours at 4x Phys-warp. Setting alarm to stage jettison... Done.
  6. Reached 5 km/s on NERVAs, apoapsis reached Duna's orbit, Releasing lateral tanks in a few seconds... Fuel tanks released *two minutees later at 4x phys-warp* NERVA shutdown Slight NERVA overheat, current speed 10 km/s NERVA Jettison Ion engines activation Applying 2.8 m/s burn toget away fron the NERVA stage... Done. Ion engines shutdown. Remaining DeltaV: 33 852 m/s RTG state: operationnal Orbit state: Kerbol escape Waiting for Kerbol orbit...
  7. There has been tales of a second SSTV signal, 10,000 Petameters away... Another easter egg, or just a bug? Only @Holo has found it... Yet. I have, for I play KSP, to find it. That's why I started this thread. To record all the mission (in screenshot form). I will try to get there, have recording software ready, and then, if I can record a SSTV signal, decode it. And, if there is a result, post it. Wish me luck if you think it's worth it The Probe The rocket is launched in all its glory Soon after, the fairing deploys And I always put too much DeltaV... Now we're in orbit. And the nuclear engines initiate the escape burn. I'll try to get a Mun gravity assist.
  8. Why is my ship NaN meters high? And wide? And long? Oh, Go home KSP you're drunk.
  9. You said it looked like a tram, I agree and I think I'll try to make a monorail out of it. However, why not considering creating a passenger module with just, say, 8 seats? It would be better for railway stuff and transportation systems. Great mod by the way, didn't know you made buffalo II before.
  10. I think it's time for another Blunderbirds mission! Are you around @Matt Lowne?
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