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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Green = + White = - Mix = maximal positive expansion in the S.-E. lands. So we're doing diplomacy, right? @ColdJ and the Snow Dragon @Nazalassa talking peacefully. Because in the story I'm a chaotic Snow Dragon. And you ColdJ? Theorically, Ideas (+ is positives, - is negatives): + are tall and have "normal" ears (they are humans) and - are small and have pointed ears (they are gnomes if you play D&D, else let's say a kind of half-sized elves) + value strength and resilience, - value dexterity and intelligence + have strong weapons, - have lighter weapons and magic + value cunning, - value wisdom + are good on land and awful on water more than 2 km from the coast, - are good on water and not very good on land that is not a small island (+10km in diameter) +'s elements are Fire and then Earth, -'s elements are Water and then Air (air -> magic in this world) So + and - are total opposites. That's been a while since I wanted to do post that.
  2. Keep in mind that this is not the definitive map. No because right now I'd like to sleep but I have to guard the thread. I'm too tired. And this is ot the final map so I don't plan to get a color code on this version (sorry). And I have to fight: no time for cartography.
  3. Yes Negatives will win!
  4. The south-eastern land has been the theater of the last 3 battles (first the - conquered it then the + took back half the conquered part then they took the rmaining) and now the + attacked the - island with the unnamed castle on it because near their capital city. Should be the last battle because the war was very very long and there has been a lot of deaths and wounds and there are no more people to become soldiers without paralyzing the country. The south-eastern land has been the theater of the last 3 battles (first the - conquered it then the + took back half the conquered part then they took the rmaining) and now the + attacked the - island with the unnamed castle on it because near their capital city. Should be the last battle because the war was very very long and there has been a lot of deaths and wounds and there are no more people to become soldiers without paralyzing the country. Oh no double-posting merging In fact the war shall not end but there vould be a period of relative peace (le'ts say no more fights for a while).
  5. It'll be democratically voted in our Kapital. This battle should be the last of the war. And the new rule (altrough not new now) advantages the ones who are the nore numerous to post on the thread.
  6. This battle should end with the war. <After all thee deaths and wounds and the like
  7. -24 I saw in NW 4 that you were Negative. What happened? Were you thrown away from the Positive Empire? Or is it just spying? Or is itjust because these 2 NW has no link?
  8. -25 This is gonna last forever. Also Cooki, didn't you vote "negative"? That's weird you fight with the positives in this case.
  9. I don't see the posts. Thrry don't exist. As a good mathematician, I request a proof. Oh sorry, saw them... -31, then.
  10. Shut up @SSTO Crasher! We don't want them to know that we're attacking. -34 Wh£££ h£££ h£££
  11. That's a kOS script to perform a manever node with a precision of 0.1 m/s.
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